{Part 1}

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Word Count: 1447
You woke up on a bed of yellow flowers in what seemed to be a cavern. You remembered falling and looked up to see a big tunnel which led to a hole that looked like a speck from the height. You shakily stood up and was surprised to find that you didn't have bruises or cuts from the fall, not even any broken bones. The flowers must've cushioned my fall, you think as you look at the flowers. You looked around the cavern and saw a doorway that seemed to lead to another room. You walked through the doorway and saw a single yellow flower in the middle of a grassy patch. What made you gasp was that the flower had a face.
"Howdy! I'm Flowey. Flowey the Flower!"
You stared at the talking flower which was smiling at you and made you feel uncomfortable.
"Hmmm...You're new to the UNDERGROUND, aren't ya?"
You nodded your head.
"Golly, you must be so confused. Someone ought to teach you how things work around here! I guess little old me will have to do. Ready? Here we go!"
Suddenly, a flash of light appeared around you and when it disappeared everything was black. A red heart appeared before you and floated in front of you. You tried stepping to the side and it followed you. Wherever you went, it followed. The flower appeared before you and smiled, then started to talk again.
"See that heart? That is your SOUL, the very culmination of your being! Your SOUL starts off weak, but you can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV."
"LV? What's-"
"What's LV stand for? Why, LOVE, of course!"
"Love? Am I in some sort of happy town world?"
The flower ignored you and kept talking.
"You want some LOVE, don't you?"
You stared at the flower.
"Don't worry, I'll share some with you!"
The flower winked and a semicircle of white dots appeared behind him.
"Down here, LOVE is shared through...little white...'friendliness pellets'. Are you ready? Move around! Get as many as you can!"
The "friendliness pellets" flew towards you and you reached out to grab one. As soon as one touched you, you gasped and pulled back your hand. You staggered where you were standing and almost fell over. It had hurt you. Something flashed above your head and you saw a small box the said HP and had 1/20 on it. You looked back at the flower which was now smiling evilly.
"You idiot. In this world, it's kill or BE killed. Why would ANYONE pass up an opportunity like this?!"
A full circle of "friendliness pellets" appeared around you and didn't have a gap at all.
The flower laughed as the pellets closed in around you. You screamed for help and closed your eyes, waiting for the pain to wash over you. You heard the flower stop laughing and noticed that the pellets had stopped. A fireball hit the flower and sent it flying into the darkness. The pellets disappeared and you stared into the shadows where the flower had disappeared. What had just happened? One second, the flower was being nice and sweet, and the next thing you knew, he had almost killed you. You looked in the direction where the fireball had come and saw a figure emerge from the shadows. It seemed to be female, and had on a white dress with what looked like some sort of purple apron. The strange part was, she seemed be human/goat. She walked up to you and helped you up. She smiled at you sweetly and you gave a weak smile back.
"What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor innocent youth."
"Yeah, it almost killed me. Thank you for saving me...er..."
"My name is Toriel, and yours?"
"Oh, my name is (Y/n)."
"What a lovely name! Come, my child, and I will lead you through the ruins."
Toriel took your hand and you followed her towards another doorway that hadn't been there before.
"The ruins? What's that?"
"That is where I live my child. I am what you may call, the 'guardian'."
"That's cool, but, how do I, um, leave?"
Toriel stopped and looked at you.
"Leave? What do you mean?"
You noticed how she had a little bit of sadness in her eyes. You felt bad for bringing up the subject.
"Well, I have, a family. Up on the surface."
Toriel looked down.
"Oh, I see. Well, if you'll follow me, I'll lead you to where the exit of the ruins are. But the rest of the underground still lies before you. The ruins are only a part of it."
Toriel led you through the ruins and to a small cozy house that you assumed was hers. You both walked inside and she led you to a staircase which you both walked down. At the bottom was a hallway and at the end of the hall was a door. Toriel pointed to the door.
"Now, listen my child. If you leave the ruins, you must never come back. Do you understand?"
You looked at Toriel.
"I...I understand."
Toriel hugged you and you hugged her back. Sure, you had just met her and barely knew anything about Toriel, but she saved you from Flowey and was the only one who was really kind to you, and not fake like Flowey. You broke apart the hug and waved goodbye as you started down the hallway. You opened the door at the end and was surprised to see another hallway. You walked down that one too and opened the door at the end. When you opened the door, you saw snow and trees outside. You stepped outside and heard the door close behind you. You looked around the snowy forest and saw a path leading into the forest. You started down the path while looking around at all the trees and clumps of snow. How can it be snowing underground? And where were the animals? You thought this as you were walking but then were jolted out of your thoughts by a branch snapping. You looked down but nothing was under your feet but snow. You looked back but didn't see anything. Uneasily, you continued down the path until you felt someone looking at you. You quickly turned around and saw a figure standing in the shadows of a tree. It looked up at you and you could see a smile underneath their hood.
"W-who are you?"
The figure stepped out of the shadows and started walking towards you. You stepped back but you just ended up bumping into a tree. The figure stuck out its hand, which was made of bones. You gasped and realized that the figure was made entirely of bones.
"C'mon. It's rude not to shake someone's hand."
You cautiously stuck out your hand and shook the figure's. Suddenly, a farting sound filled the quiet woods and the figure laughed. He pulled back his hood to reveal a skeleton skull and a smile.
"The old whoopie cushion prank, classic."
You stared at the skeleton and then laughed a little.
"Sorry, it's just, you scared me when I first saw you."
The skeleton smiled sheepishly.
"Sorry about that. My name is Sans, yours?"
"My name is (Y/n)."
"Nice to meet you (Y/n). And sorry about scaring you. Hey, aren't you human? You look human?"
"Uh, yeah, what are you?"
"Oh, well, I'm what we call, 'a monster'."
"Monster? Is that what Toriel was? And the flower?"
Sans gave you a confused look.
"Toriel? Flower?"
"Oh, sorry, those were just, I guess, 'monsters' that I first met when I fell down."
"Oh, well, umm, not to be rude, but why are you here?"
"Oh, well, I didn't really plan on coming here at all actually. I fell down a hole while I was climbing the mountain. I was at a camp and rumors said that those who climbed the mountain never came back. I guess I just, wanted to prove them wrong."
Sans nodded as if he understood.
"Well, I have to get back to my sentry post, I'll see you later (Y/n)."
Sans walked away into the forest while you stood there and watched him leave. You turned around and continued up the path. Sans seemed nice. Hopefully he stays that way.

Hey guys! So, that was part one. I'll try and get part two in soon but I hope you're liking it so far! This is my first story so I'm sorry if it's bad. Anyways, I'll see you in part two! Bye!

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