{Part 21}

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Word Count: 2112
You smiled and took Sans' hand, blushing. He led you towards the dance floor and smiled sheepishly.
"I'm a terrible dancer so if I step on your feet don't get mad."
You laughed.
"I'm sure I'm even worse."
He took both your hands in his and you started to dance. It was awkward at first but once it got to the chorus, it all went away. You smiled as Sans spun you around and caught you in beat with the music. It looked like you and him had been dancing for years together. You laughed as you twirled Sans and caught him. When the build up to the chorus came, you walked back a bit and smiled at him. He smiled back and you met back up when the beat hit to begin the chorus. Monsters had stopped dancing and we're watching you and Sans. They clapped their hands whenever that part came and tapped their foot to the beat. The song was coming to an end and when it got to the part of the chorus where is says "you whole lotta crazy" and "so lose your mind you're physco" you spun your finger in circles by your head, (you guys know what that means right?) pointing at yourself. The last few beats of the song came and Sans grabbed your hand and pulled you towards him. He put a hand behind your back and leaned over and dipped you just as the last beat played. You both stayed in the position, trying to catch your breaths. You heard applause and looked around for the first time to see everyone staring at you and Sans, smiling. Sans pulled you up, blushing. You blushed and smiled.
"At least you didn't step on my feet."
You both started laughing and another song played. You listened as the familiar song came on. It was "Die Young". Ironic to the situation you were in with Chara. You and Sans left the dance floor as monsters started dancing. You saw Alphys and Undyne dancing to the music across the ballroom. You smiled and suddenly got a chill up your spine.
"Hello again (Y/n), miss me?"
You stopped. No. No no no. They can't be here. Sans noticed you stop and looked back. When he saw you, he gave you a concerned look.
"You okay?"
You looked at Sans and grabbed his arm, leading him away from all the crowds. When you stopped, he looked worried.
"(Y/n) what's wrong?"
"Okay, okay, this is going to sound totally crazy but there's this person named Chara who-"
Sans stared at you.
"Chara? They're here?"
"Well, kinda, they um, said that they were well, inside...my head."
Sans seemed to stare right into your soul.
"Oh no. Please no. No no no no."
He started to shake and looked at the ground. You grabbed his arms and made him look at you.
"I need to get somewhere away from all these monsters. I can't be near any of them in case..."
You trailed off.
"Chara said that they were going to take control tonight and kill. I just need to get out of here."
You didn't tell him that Chara had said that they were going to kill Sans first. You didn't need him shaking so badly that he couldn't think straight.
"Okay, I know where I can take you nearby. Follow me."
You followed Sans out of the ballroom and was glad to see that he wasn't shaking anymore. In fact, he actually looked angry. He led you across the lobby in the resort and to a hallway with doors. At the end of the hallway was a pink door. He opened it up and you followed him through. It was dark inside and you felt the wall for the switch. You found it and turned the light on, to find yourself in the bedroom that was in your dream. You froze and looked around the room. The pink four-poster bed. The large closet. The light grey rug. The pink walls. Sans closed the door behind you both and looked at you.
"(Y/n)? You look really pale."
"S-Sans, this...this is the bedroom in m-my dream."
You pointed to the bed.
"Chara sat right there."
As soon as you said that, the door made a clicking sound and the lights turned off. You shrieked and tried to turn the lights back on. Sans pulled on the door knob but it was locked.
"Great. Just great."
You gasped in pain as a splitting headache hit you hard. You stumbled and fell to your knees clutching your head. Sans' left eye blazed blue and landed on your shaking figure.
"It's m-me...h-headache."
You winced in pain as the headache got more painful. Then you heard it.
"You said you'd try to fight me? You don't look very heroic like that (Y/n)."
Sans stopped and frantically looked around the room.
"C-Chara...go a-away."
"Not until smiley trash bag is dead."
You screamed as the headache got so bad that it felt like your head was splitting apart. Sans was looking at you with a mix of emotions, worry, concern, and horror. You could feel something slipping into your consciousness and heard Chara again, but in your head.
"Say goodbye to that bag of bones."
You screamed again as you felt Chara take over your body. Against your will, you stumbled to your feet and faced Sans. You limped forward towards him as a red haze filled your vision. You opened your mouth to speak, but the voice that came out wasn't yours.
"Hello again smiley trash bag."
Sans took a step back, his eye blazing a brighter blue. You wanted to scream and get Chara out of you, but all you could do is watch in horror as a knife appeared in your hands. You lunged at Sans who dodged you and moved to the middle of the room. He had tears streaming down his face as he looked at you. You could feel tears streaming down your face too.
"(Y/n)! I don't want to hurt you!"
You laughed in Chara's voice.
"Who's (Y/n)?"
You lunged at Sans again who made bones appear. He sent them flying at you and before they hit, you felt Chara's presence disappear. The red haze was gone and you had control again. You tried to dodge but a bone managed to hit you in the arm. It didn't impale, just grazed you, but you cried out in pain. You looked at Sans and saw him summon a "Gaster Blaster".
"Sans! It's me! Don't!"
He faltered just as you felt Chara's presence return. Before they took complete control you said one last thing before the red haze covered your vision.
"They're back!"
Chara controlled your body to lunge at Sans with the knife again. The Gaster Blaster shot in front of you, causing Chara to back up. You tried to think. How could you get Chara out? You needed a place to stay still and concentrate. You forced your eyes to move around the room and spotted the closet. An idea begin to come. Sans sent another wave of bones at you and again, you felt Chara's presence leave. That coward. Now in control of your own body again, you dodged the bones and ran over to the closet. You opened the door and dashed inside closing it behind you.
"Sans! Lock it!"
You felt Chara's presence return as the closet door locked. Chara made you bang against the door, trying to break free.
"Lemme out you excuse of a clown!"
Now that you didn't worry about getting hurt, you put your plan in action. You thought about all the wonderful times with your friends and your love for them. You thought of the day you fell down, how kind Toriel had been. You thought of having fun and joking around with the skelebros.
"No!! What are you doing?! Stop!!"
You thought of Christmas, building the giant snowman with Sans and having a snowball fight with Undyne. You thought of sledding and the thrill of racing down the hill with the skelebros. You thought about Sans. You remembered the first time Sans kissed you, on top of the ferris wheel.
You thought of the kiss underneath the mistletoe. You thought of falling asleep together, curled up under the Christmas tree. You managed a smile and started to feel warmth. You remembered the silly string war with Undyne and Sans. You remember the dance that you just had with Sans merely half an hour ago. As you thought of all the wonderful times with your friends and Sans, you were filled with DETERMINATION.
You felt Chara's presence leave your body as your soul appeared and was wrapped in a protective barrier full of love. When you felt her completely gone, your soul disappeared and you had control again. You panted, trying to catch your breath and let out a laugh. You started laughing like a maniac. You didn't care. You had defeated Chara. Well, for now. You were sure that they would come back but you didn't dwell on it. Sans knocked on the door and you smiled.
"It's me Sans. Chara is gone. For now."
"Thank goodness."
He opened the closet door and hugged you. You hugged him back and the lights flickered. They turned on and you heard the door click as it unlocked. You released the hug and looked down at yourself. Your right arm was bleeding from Sans' bone attack and your dress was ripped. Your flats had somehow fallen off and your feet were bare with blood on them. You held up part of your tattered dress and gave a small laugh.
"Mettaton's gonna kill me."
Sans laughed.
"I'm sure he'll have it somewhere in his soul to forgive you."
As if on cue, the door opened to reveal Mettaton. He stared at you and Sans and at the mess.
"What happened in here?!"
He gave you and Sans a suspicious look and gasped.
"In my bedroom?!"
You saw Sans' face blaze blue and his white pupils disappear. You then realized what Mettaton was talking about.
"Well then what happened?!"
You sighed and started to explain. When you were finished, he looked mostly annoyed.
"It just had to be in my bedroom."
You laughed as you started to head to the door.
"Woah woah woah wait. Where are you going?"
"Uh, to the bathroom to clean up and then back to the ball?"
Mettaton gasped.
"Not looking like that! You need a whole new outfit!"
Mettaton walked over to Sans and dragged him out of the bedroom.
"Wait here, she'll be out in ten minutes."
~Time Skip~
You walked out of Mettaton's bedroom with a bandage around your bleeding arm and a new dress on. It was a pastel pink one that reached your knees and was sleeveless except for the wide straps. It was soft but not silky. You were also wearing your black flats with your feet cleaned of blood and wrapped in bandages. Mettaton had quickly changed your hairstyle since your bun was pretty much ruined. Your (H/l) hair was now free of any hairstyle and was flowing freely. You looked over and saw Sans leaning against the wall outside the door. When he saw you, he blushed and smiled.
"Heh, you still look great even after a fight."
You blushed at his compliment and thanked Mettaton before leaving and heading back to the ballroom with Sans. Before you went back inside, you pulled Sans over to you and hugged him.
"Thank you for helping me."
He hugged you back and smiled.
"I didn't help you, if anything, I almost killed you."
"Oh shush."
You released the hug and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer, kissing back. You smiled and pulled away after a few moments.
"Now, let's go check out that buffett table."
Sans laughed as he took your arm in his and you both walked back into the ballroom.
Boy was that fun to write! Like I said, I like writing parts like these. Although, I think writing about the dance was the hardest part and I don't even think I wrote it well enough. Anyways, I uploaded THREE PARTS TODAY. That's that most I've ever done. My fingers are tired of writing so I'm gonna go now, bye.

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