{Part 20}

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Word Count: 1255
You woke up and quickly sat up. You remembered your dream and Chara saying that she would kill Sans. You wouldn't let that happen. You checked the time and gasped when it read that it was almost 2 in the afternoon.
"The ball is at six! Why didn't they wake me up?"
You bolted out of bed and quickly showered. You changed into some everyday clothes and raced downstairs. You saw Sans and Papyrus asleep on the couch, two small black bags by the door. That must be their outfits. I guess they were out late. You walked into the kitchen looking for something to eat. You found a box of Temmie Flakes and poured them into a bowl. You found some milk and a spoon when you heard a noise behind you. You turned around to see Papyrus walk into the kitchen.
You smiled.
"Good morning Papyrus, how late were you guys outs?"
Papyrus yawned.
"Five hours?! When I got back it was ten!"
You laughed and took your bowl of Temmie Flakes to the table and started to eat. You finished just as there was a knock at the door. Sans raised his arm.
"I'll get it."
He rolled off the couch and onto the floor. You held in laughs as he stumbled to his feet and walked over to the door. When he opened it, Mettaton burst inside. He smiled when he saw you.
"Perfect! Just the darling I came here to see!"
You smiled.
"Hi Mettaton."
"Why do you need to see her?"
"I need to get her ready of course!"
"But, we have like four-"
"Nonsense! Beauty takes time!"
You heard Sans mumble something under his breath. Mettaton looked at Sans.
"What was that?"
Sans blushed.
"Nothing. I'm going to Grillbys."
"Oh no you are not mister! We need to get you ready too!"
Papyrus poked his head out from the kitchen.
"And we need to get you ready as well!"
Papyrus gave Sans a confused look while Mettaton grabbed your arm and dragged you upstairs to your room. He sat you down on the bed and pulled something out from behind his back. It looked like a small suitcase and when he opened it up it revealed a whole bunch of beauty products.
"Oh no. I am not getting anywhere near those."
"But darling-"
"Don't you darling me I hate the feeling of makeup! It just feels so...strange and weird."
Mettaton let out a frustrated huff.
"Fine. But I'm just saying, I could make you look ten times more beautiful."
You shook your head.
"Fine, you'll at least let me do your hair right?"
"Well, I guess-"
"Great! Let's begin!"
                            ~Time Skip~
Three hours later, Mettaton finally stepped away from you and admired his work.
"It looks fabulous!"
"Uh, can I see a mirror?"
He handed you a small mirror and you gasped when you saw your hair done up in a bridal style bun.
"Wow, it looks amazing!"
Mettaton beamed.
"Well of course it does, I did it."
You laughed and handed the mirror back to Mettaton.
"Now get dressed! The ball starts in half an hour!"
He walked out of your room while you grabbed your dress from your closet. You changed into it and then stopped.
"I don't have any formal shoes."
You face palmed and look around the room for some decent looking shoes. You sighed as you picked up a pair of black flats.
"I guess these will have to do."
You put on the flats and opened the door. You were about to walk downstairs when Mettaton raced up and stood in front of you. He had changed into a black dress shirt with a hot pink tie. He was also wearing black dress pants with black dress shoes.
"Not yet!"
You gave him a confused look.
"Why can't I go down?"
"I want Sans to be the first, well other than me since I'm right here, to see you!"
You felt your face starting to get hot from blush. You heard talking downstairs and Mettaton craned his neck to look.
"He's finished! Wait until I get to the bottom of the stairs before coming, okay?"
You let out a laugh.
Mettaton turned and walked downstairs. Once he reached the bottom, you finally stepped out of the shadows and walked downstairs.

Sans POV:
I saw Mettaton walk downstairs and smile at me. I saw a flash of (D/c) (<Dress color) out of the corner of my eye socket and gasped when I saw (Y/n) in a (D/l) silky (D/c) dress. She had her hair up in a bridal style bun and was wearing black flats. To say it simply, she was gorgeous. I felt my face heat up as I stared at her like a complete idiot. When she got to the bottom of the stairs, I broke out of my trance to see her smirking at me. My face was blazing now as I sheepishly smiled at her.
"Heh, sorry, it's just...you look...beautiful."
She blushed and smiled at me.
"You look quite handsome yourself."
I look down at the light blue dress shirt and grey dress pants. I also had on black suspenders and brown dress shoes. But compared to (Y/n), it was nothing. Papyrus walked out of his room wearing an outfit that was identical to mine. The only difference was that the dress shirt was a light orange. He walked downstairs and Mettaton smiled at everyone.
"Alright, let's go!"
~Time Skip~
Your POV:
You walked up to MTT Resort and Mettaton leads you, Sans, and Papyrus to a huge domed building that was connected to the resort. You walked inside and gasped. The ballroom was beautiful. A giant chandelier hung from the top of the domed ceiling and oval windows lined the walls. The floor seemed to be made of grey marble and the walls were flashes of color between pink and gold. You saw Undyne and Alphys at the edge of the room talking and laughing. The place was packed with monsters but you saw a familiar face walk towards you though the crowd. Toriel smiled as she looked at everyone.
"You all look amazing!"
Papyrus smiled.
You giggled and saw Mettaton whisper something in Sans' hear (or where his ear should be) then walk off. Sans started to blush a little and looked after Mettaton. Papyrus noticed Undyne and ran across the ballroom towards her and Alphys. Toriel had already walked off leaving you and Sans alone by the entrance. Wait, this wasn't good. You were alone with him. What if Chara- you pushed the thought away as a familiar song came on. You smiled and looked at Sans.
"I know this song! I didn't know you guys had human music!"
Sans chuckled.
"It sounds why better than our music so we use theirs instead."
He blushed a bit and cleared his throat (it's magic). He smiled at you and held out his hand.
"Care to dance?"
Be prepared for the next part because I lot is gonna be happening. And when I say a lot it'll be good and bad. (Also the picture didn't really go with this part but that's how Sans looks so yeah)

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