Chapter 4

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The night outside was calm. Faux-lanterns lighted the streets, their electric bulbs humming in the dark, flickering as though the wind was threatening to snuff them. All according to the programming. Inside, the soft voices of students could be heard.

"Ada, have you been listening?"

"Of course," Ada turned her head back towards the small group. All the members were excellent students and for the last hour had not been able to stop talking about the 'wonderful' things that they were learning in class. What sort of memory would this be for her heart?

"Well," Amiko said, "what do you think of the idea to send some students over to Kaiguo for an exchange?"

"I see no harm in it," Ada said, trying to make her voice sound interested. But not too interested, because she had made it very clear to Amiko that she found this intolerably boring when she arrived at the party. "You already send tech wizards over; I don't see how sending the future wizards earlier will hurt anything."

Amiko pulled her face into a smile, which meant that Ada had said the right thing, but only after prompting. Next week's meeting was going to involve a lecture, Ada could see that on her face.

"Well then, Ada will you help me bring in more snacks? Everyone, please carry on as you are."

Well, perhaps the lecture was going to start sooner than she thought.

Ada got to her feet, ignoring the cries of pain from her ankles. She was never going to get the hang of kneeling for hours on end. She stumbled after Amiko, trying to get the blood flowing back as she tried to walk.

With a sigh, Amiko stopped and turned. "If you remembered to practice controlling the flow of blood while you were sitting, this wouldn't have happened."

"I'm sorry," Ada said. She shouldn't have let her mind wander.

"More importantly, you were rude just now."

"I was?"

Amiko's lips straightened and thinned while her heart darkened. "Yes," she said. "I put in my time and effort to help you get to know a group of students, the right students, and you repay me by staring out the window. And while we're trying to include you in the conversation."

"I thought you were just discussing the illogicalness of Sakoku's governance?" Ada said, taking care to sound hurt.

"Don't be so emotional. You're acting like one of your countrymen. After a year, I expect you to know better. When we go back, you will take an interest in the conversation, are we clear?"

"Yes, Amiko," Ada said as she inclined her head.


Later that night, Ada almost fell asleep while reviewing the memories of the day. As she had expected, the evening was so boring that the dull blue colour and static sound had almost put her to sleep.

A change had only occurred at the end, when Amiko was lecturing her. Ada started seeing red, and she involuntarily let out of snort. Who was Amiko to say that Kaiguo's governance was illogical? Sakoku still had a monarchy in place, while Kaiguo had managed to advance beyond that.

Surprised, Ada let go of the box containing her heart and backed away from the table. She wasn't told that she could still get so emotional. Perhaps she needed that lead-lined box sooner than she thought. She would have to relook at her finances to see if there was anything else she could cut from her expenses.

One thing was for sure, though. Ada had to find something more exciting than this, or there would be absolutely no positive memories for the rest of her stay here. Not if she continued to let Amiko run her social life.

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