Chapter 25

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"Ada, are you heart-less?"

"Are you?"

Amiko stared at Ada. The girl seemed perfectly calm. "No, I'm not," she admitted. "Not anymore."

"Explain." There was absolutely no feeling in the word. Amiko knew she wasn't the only one who winced at that. She took a deep breath.

"I admit," she started. Did she really want to say this? No, it wasn't about wanting, it was about needing to. "...that I had the procedure done before you came. But recently, my emotions have come back."

"She's telling the truth," Nic added. "I can see her emotions."

Ada smiled slightly. "I know, I see it too," she said in a softer tone. "But anyway, we really shouldn't be lingering. I am technically running away."

"You're what?"

"Running from who?"

"Who else? Pendragon, of course. Let's go to a cafe and talk."


She had finally finished explaining everything. The heart-less procedure, her 'apprenticeship', the strange magic, and most importantly, the conversation she overheard. Amiko was looking more and more worried by the sentence, which was new. Nic was reacting as expected. At least they didn't make a fuss. The morning patrons were starting to come in.

"And you're sure we can't report this? The Network could really help."

"Or it could get us killed. Amiko, what are you thinking? Your mouth has dropped open again."

"Sorry, I was just distracted. I can't tell what you're thinking."

Ada looked at Amiko. "You're very emotional. I'm not used to it. Anyway, as I was talking, I thought of something. What if Pendragon knew I was outside because he's somehow sensing my emotions? After all, you're proof that the heart-less procedure doesn't remove emotions; perhaps it just reroutes them."

"So why would I have them back?"

"I have no idea either. Is it important?"

Nic's eyes darted from one girl to the other. "Alright, let's not go into that. Ada, what do you say we should do?"

"I have no idea. I will have to talk to Pendragon, I suppose. Perhaps he'll tell me the truth since he seems to want my help."

Amiko's face contorted. "Are you sure that's a good idea? Maybe Nic is right and we should get everyone on our side first. Get some professional negotiators in."

"And give him a chance to incinerate us? Not risking it. Do you have a better plan?"

"Not really," Amiko said, then stiffened. "Hiroto straight ahead," she whispered, and immediately started staring at the table. Her face was a little red, Ada noted. She still wasn't over him. Ada didn't get it, it wasn't like Hiroto was some amazing prize.

"Ada, Amiko, good morning," Hiroto stopped at their table and gave them a smile. "Didn't expect you two to be here. Are you going to the morning meeting together? Perhaps I could join you."

That wouldn't be good. She still needed to tell Nic and Amiko what she wanted them to do while she was talking to Pendragon. The trilateral meeting was ending, which meant that Nic had to leave soon. The last thing she needed was Hiroto wasting valuable time. So Ada put on her sunniest smile and replied, "It's ok. We're doing some girl talk right now. Perhaps we can have lunch together?"

"Great," Hiroto said happily. "Just you and me? Amiko's busy at lunch time, right?" Amiko nodded into her food. "Great, it's a date then." He walked away whistling.

When Hiroto had finally disappeared from view, Amiko's blush slowly disappeared. "You do know what he's planning, right?"

"Yes," Ada said, "But I already decided not to play that game. Pendragon's more worrying right now. I mean, theoretically. I haven't checked in with my heart yet."

"That's good. I guess. But he won't give up, and you know. It's weird."

"Do you want revenge?"

Nic sputtered into her coffee and Amiko went bright red. "Revenge? It's not possible. I mean, it's not that I don't want to make him suffer like I did, but he's the president and well, you know."

"You're a lot less articulate with emotions. But I think we should think of a way to bring him down a peg. It might make you a lot less anxious, and would distract him in case the two of you need to run."


Ada tried to smile reassuringly at Nic. "I'm hoping for three. But if anything happens, I want you to smuggle Amiko on the ship and then run. Today's the last day, so I want you both on the ship in case anything happens. Do not get down unless I come for you."

"Wait, we're supposed to talk this through."

"But I'm the most logical one."

Nic started flushing. "Can you act like we're a team."

"No. And I think Hiroto is still hanging around, so just promise me you'll do as I say? I won't have time to talk once we leave for the last session."

"Ok, I don't want it."


Amiko raised her head and looked Ada right in the eye. "I don't want revenge. I don't want to keep thinking about this. I'm sick of it. I'll just do more exercises or something, just don't do this. Multi-tasking sucks anyway."

"If you say so. I guess I'll be skipping the lunch date now. But promise me the two of you will get on the boat once it's lunch time?"

Nic opened her mouth to argue, but Amiko nodded. "Fine. But you have to come once it's over, alright? I want to know exactly what he did to my emotions, and how I can get rid of them again."

"Why do you want them gone?"

Amiko looked at Nic. "I'll tell you on the boat. But do we have a deal, Ada?"

"Fine. We have a deal."

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