sixteen :: silver lining

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to try and get my mind off of the whole trent bruising and nate thing, i decided to get do something a little different with my appearance.

now i didnt get all crazy and put a tattoo on my face, just something normal. i did what all girls do when they are going through something, i dyed my hair.

i might be a little crazy to do this color but i fucking love it and that is all that matters.

walking home from the salon, i couldn't help but to think about nate.

why all of the sudden nate takes an interest in me?

before he never thought of me in that way, we always had that love/hate relationship. you know i push his buttons, he pulls my hair kind of thing. but not like brother/sister kind of thing because that would be weird.

i've always looked at nate a different way than johnson and g. they are more like a brother to me.

same with sammy too, after he gets through his head that we are never fucking.

something about nate, i just cant put my finger on it.

i like him. but you know i could never let him figure that out or he is totally going to ruin this whole fuck girl act i got going on.

this whole act is really just an act. i don't wanna be known as the fuck girl. i want something more. i want to be in a relationship. i want to be someone's everything.

but with all of that comes heartbreak in the end.

fuckgirl guide :: maloleyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt