Day 2

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There was a bang on the door and I shot up off of the floor. This room had carpet but it was so freaking cold. I shivered as I slowly and hesitantly walked to the door, my heart beating rapidly.

"Hey, are you awake?" Came a voice from the other side. A rough, deep voice that I tried to think of a face to match.

"Y-yeah," I stuttered, scrunching up my face in confusion, trying to place the face to the voice. I couldn't help but feel a slight recognition.

I heard them start to back up and I tried to open the door, it of course still being locked. God, Frank, you're still a dumbass. Why would they unlock the door, pretty sure they're not that stupid.

"W-who a-are you?" I nervously sputtered, my confidence getting lower and lower by the second. I was never built for these kind of things; both mentally and psychically.

"You still stutter?" The figure questioned after a few brief seconds. God dammit, who is it?! "You used to not stutter around me," they continued, their familiar voice ringing through my ears.

"I-I don't know w-who you are," I answered timdily. "P-please l-let me g-go!"

"I'm Gerard."

And then my throat felt raw and the bile in my stomach rose up, I almost wanted to puke. My eyes felt wide and my brain wasn't corrupting anything anymore. I closed my eyes and ran a hand through my hair. I sighed, trying to calm down. No, it can't be Gerard. He's still pissed at me, isn't he? Why would he, of all people, kidnap me?

"You're joking-"

"I'm not joking, Frank," He answered lazily, just making my brain more phased and blurry.

Why d-did you k-kidnap me-?"

"Because I needed you," He interrupted instantly, a neediness almost slipping completely through.

"Gerard... this is messed up," I said, my brain racing through memories of the last times me and Gerard had been together.

"No its not! God, Frank, I'm so mad at you, you know?" he stated, anger and annoyance clearly ringing through his voice, but I felt so stiff and useless, I was almost unable to process anything that was happening. "I almost want to hurt you." At that very sentence I tensed up and wanted to rush out, whether it were actually Gerard or not; this was scaring me.

I shrank down on the floor, sitting against the wall, refusing to believe this was Gerard, refusing to believe anything.

"Please, G-Gerard-" I rambled, not wanting to be in this cold room, not wanting to be talking to Gerard whether it was him or not.

"You have no idea what I did because of you-" he started, but I had to interrupt.

"I m-made the r-right decision, G-Gerard."

"I've killed people because of you!" he shouted, and I felt myself wince.

I curled into a ball and wanted to disappear right now. No, Gerard wouldn't kill people. He just... he wouldn't.

"Fifteen, Frank! Fifteen people I've killed, but I'm not hurting you. I wont, no matter how pissed off you make me."

This is so wrong.

This is so wrong.

This is so wrong. Why would he do this? Was he the one that drugged me at the bar?

Oh my god. My head was started to pound, I felt like I couldn't contain my insanity anymore. Trying to keep calm and relax, I thought of something to say.

let me go. (sequel to autism)Where stories live. Discover now