Day 7 ((reupload))

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"Frankie, are you okay, Baby?" Gerard's soft voice rang through my ears as I struggled to sit up from the sudden wake up call.

"Yeah," I mumbled softly, feeling Gerard's arms wrap around my waist and pull me into him.

I rubbed my eyes and buried my face into his neck.

"You had a nightmare last night..." Gerard started slowly. Which I remember, I remember the nightmare so vividly. I squinted my eyes shut; I wanted to forget it so badly. "I want to make sure that you're okay now."

"I'm okay, Gee, thank you," I said quietly, feeling more timid than ever.

"Good," Gerard said and pushed me away gently. "I'm gonna go downstairs, alright?" He started putting on a pair of sweatpants and a jumper that fit him perfectly -like everything else. "You get more sleep if you need to," he continued, pulling some of the covers over my small body. "and if you need me, just call for me... okay, Frankie?"

I nodded, looking right at him.

He smiled and softly kissed my forehead, shutting the door behind him as I heard him descend down the stairs.

I groaned and pulled the covers to my face, trying to erase everything that had happened. Everything terrible. Where I winced when Gerard had barely touched me. When I backed away from him and thought he would surely kill me. But he wouldn't.. right?


"Frankie, it's almost twelve," I heard, struggling at first to hear him clearly. i opened my eyes a bit and looked for him. Once I did I found it hard to process Gerard's concerned expression. But it soon enough was gone once he noticed me waking up. "Get out of bed, I'm about to make lunch."

I groaned and propped my elbows up, looking at him.

"Sorry," I apologized, not wanting him to be upset that i basically just slept the entire day away. Once I realised he wasn't going to respond, I added, "What's for lunch?"

"Pasta," he simply answered. I smiled lightly and tried rubbing the sleepiness from my eyes.

"C'mon, get out of bed," Gerard prodded, grabbing the covers and yanking them off the bed.

"Gerard," I groaned loudly, curling into a ball, but the warmth was quickly disappearing, goosebumps rising just the hairs across my arms. No matter how much I felt guilty for sleeping all day, I knew Gerard was only joking around.

"Frank," he mocked and bent down, to look at me. He smirked at my cold form. He sat on the edge of the bed and waited.

"Gerard, I'm cold now," I muttered, feeling myself start to shake, little by little, but at the same time pulling an act.

"Well c'mere," he said softly, tugging on the end of my boxers, but i curled up closer and wrapped my limbs around a pillow, burying my face in it.

"Gerard, stop," I protested quietly, shooing his hand away, and he removed it. I might have been a bit hungry, but I still felt drowsy with sleep. I think I was showing too much annoyance in my voice. If Gerard was truly pissed, I'd be able to tell pretty quickly.

I heard him sigh, and could sense that his gaze was stuck on me. I felt his hands grab my hips and pull my cold form onto his lap slowly -something I wasn't going to try protesting. I lazily tried to keep eye contact with him, as his hazel orbs practically smiled at me; he seemed so happy.

He brushed my bangs out of my face, tucking them behind my ears, even though the few shorter pieces managed to dangle back on my forehead. He rubbed my arms, making them warm up, as he placed a small kiss my nose.

let me go. (sequel to autism)Where stories live. Discover now