Day 4

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I grunted once I woke up and realized I was in Gerard's arms, unable to move, but comfortable none the less. But the more I had laid there I realized I could probably sleep or stay like this forever; but I already knew that wasn't a good idea to play through with- no matter how warm his embrace was, or how safe I felt in his arms.

I grabbed Gerard's arm and tried to pry him off of me, but he only grumbled and gripped me tighter.

"Frankie, stop," He mumbled against the back of my neck and I instantly felt tingles run down my spine.

"Gerard," I groaned, pulling on his arms. "I'm not tired anymore."

"Well I am," He grumbled, nuzzling his face in my neck.

"Gee, please."

"Ugh," He groaned loudly, slightly shocking me. He sat up on a elbows. "What's your problem? I just woke up, you just woke up, it's not even time for lunch, we just started the day and you already need to chill," He said, half joking.

"I'm sorry, I'm just not tired."

Gerard sighed and sat up fully, leaning his back against the headboard.

"C'mere," He said, pulling on my arm because I was still laying down, curled up in the blankets.

I slowly sat up and scooted over beside him, leaning my head on his shoulder.

He wrapped an arm around me and kissed my temple.

"Just relax before we have to do anything today," He said softly.

"What do we have to do today?" I asked, being unable to hold back my curiosity.

"I don't know yet," He mumbled.

I sighed and he uncoiled his arm from around me as we stared off into nothing. I could tell he was thinking, I just didn't know what about. But we sat there, I was never able to think at the moment, but that was probably because I just woke up and was still tired. But Gerard was deep in thought. I never considered asking him because then he probably wouldn't look this peaceful again.

"Gee," I started, tugging on his arm gently after what I thought would be fifteen minutes.

"Yes?" He asked, drawing his attention back to me, his hazel orbs coming back into focus.

"I'm hungry."

He nodded in agreement and started to get off the bed. I lazily followed after him.

He unlocked the door with ease and we walked down the stairs, hearing them slightly creak with each step. We walked into the kitchen and Gerard paused his motions, turning to me. I instantly stopped realizing I almost ran into him.

"What do you want?" He asked caringly.

I hated making decisions, even the simplest ones make my brain turn in circles and I ask myself the question about 50 times before answering.

I looked down at my feet, pondering my opinions and feeling them fly around in my head.

"Eggs," I mumbled, lifting up my head, and meeting Gerard's soft, hazel eyes.

"Okay," He said nodding, "go get yourself some clothes on, there's some in my room," He said, pointing up the stairs, wanting his words to be taken as an order.

I looked up the stairs, but back at him. I was still dirty, have been.

"Can I take a shower?" I carefully ask.

"Wait..." He mumbles. I stare at him contently as he stares off, thinking. "Wait until tonight, then you can take a shower, but if you want- you can go get dressed."

let me go. (sequel to autism)Where stories live. Discover now