i'm discontinuing this fic (and revealing ending)

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hi, it's gee.
instead of dragging this out I'm just gonna make it quick and simple. I'm discontinuing this fic bc I'm tired of being a shit, lazy writer. I don't have an 'excuse' except that i just don't like ferard anymore. i barely even get on this app. basically, I'm just not a sweaty emo, I'm just gay now, thats.. that's where the Fandom has left me. (and if you want to take up the job of continuing this fic then by all means go ahead). basically, mcr was a phase. a regrettable, sad, stupid, 12-year-old stage of my life that I've been over for about 2 years. I'm just really tired of having this in here and not updating it bc i. dont. care. anymore. and that's pathetic. in my eyes I am so fucking stupid. this Fandom is why I'm at where I'm at on this app and I can never thank you all enough for your support, your love, it means the world to me and I love you all endlessly. so I'm just gonna discontinue and maybe I'll write other things from here to there, maybe I'll pick up ferard a few times. maybe I'll have the energy to complete this but who knows. BUT if you like marvel and loki and,, every hot sexy man in the marvel universe then i MIGHT write fics on them (would some of you like that?) bc the probability of me coming back to finish anything ferard is low. very low.
I'm growing, changing, and so are my interests, hobbies, and etc. now I'm dedicating my time to my future, high school, my car Montana and etc. and I hope you all can appreciate and accept that.

okay, so now if you were ever wondering how this sack of shit was going to end, I'll tell you how:

-I was getting tired of the Day-to-day chapter theme and was thinking about switching but got confused and was mixing things up and it just didn't work

-basically they were gonna continue to have problems, strengthen their bond and eventually have sex (which is funny, because I'm asexual and i have never wrote an inch of porn in my life -sad) and also struggle with the fact that Frank wanted to call his parents, and I think Gerard ended up letting him, but it was a gigantic mistake and the whole thing blew over bc their both stupid.

-so the ENDING was gonna be that the cops had traced the number to Gerard's and we were gonna have some very traumatic scene play with guns and the police/fbi breaking in and.. things don't go well. Gerard's plan was to hide Frank as he went out trying to get rid of the cops.. but he ended up getting shot. sad ending like always.

-maybe there would have been bonus chapters where frank get depressed as well and has a therapist and admits to being able to talk to Gerard's ghost.

that's the rundown. the end. I'm tired of this fic and all my other ferard ones. I just don't have the heart to continue, but do believe me when I say that this makes me feel like such a disappointment. for letting you guys down, for not being able to suck through it. but whatever. I hope you all at least enjoyed how far this came and appreciate how far I've come, I only wish the best for all of you.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2018 ⏰

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