Day 3

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I woke up, still as cold as when I fell asleep, no matter how many blankets I had towered over me. I sat up, wrapping my arms around myself and rubbed my eyes, feeling cold shivers rush down my spine.

I slowly stood up and walked to the door, feeling my entire body ache from the hard surface I had slept on. I lightly knocked, still not finding any energy in myself. I barely had my eyes open.

You know, Frank, if you weren't such an asshole or so rude, you could've been sleeping with Gerard. Warm, relaxed, not shivering your ass off.

I groaned and knocked a little harder when I didn't hear anything. I rubbed my hands over my arms in a lazy attempt to get warm.

"Gerard," I called out hoarsely. I swallowed my spit in hopes of my throat not burning from being so dry.

I pouted and rested my head on the side of the wall. Soon enough I heard the sound of footsteps walking towards the door. My attention perked up, but I stayed calm.

Wait... maybe Gerard was gonna plan to do something to me that night. Maybe he lowered the temperature, so I would freeze to death and feel guilty. If I would've slept with him, he could've killed me, he could've hurt me. I was started to regret not leaving whenever I had ever gotten the chance. There was a door- yeah, a locked door. I got more nervous when I heard him walking closer to my locked door.

I gulped as I heard the door being unlocked and sensing a new, powerful feeling wash over me as I started to race out of the room, but I hadn't even gotten three steps far, before Gerard had grabbed my waist and pulled me back against him. My breath hitched in my throat, as I felt his tight arms being squeezed around my small waist.

I whined and struggled to free myself from his tight grip. My fear of being hurt had just gotten stronger. I felt so stupid. I squirmed and he held tighter.

"What're you doing, Frank?" He asked calmy, yet a hint of anger in his voice.

"I-I-I... I can't s-stay here," I groaned, trying to push his arms away, but my short arms never got me anywhere in the first place.

"Frank, stop," He ordered, his powerful voice causing my every thought and action to come to a halt.

"N-no," I answered timidly, instantly regretting it, covering my mouth with my hands and closing my eyes tightly, starting to limp in his embrace. Why am I being so bad? I'm so stupid, Jesus Christ, its like I don't have a brain-to-mouth filter anymore.

"Frank, you're getting yourself into a lot of shit and you haven't even started explaining anything. I would listen if I were you."

I stopped and slightly relaxed, my heart still beating fast.

"What are you doing, Frank?" Gerard asked, turning me to face him, his confused eyes glaring over me. I was still shivering from being so cold, but realized he was so warm just by standing in his presence. I avoided his gaze, trying not to go weak or be terrified anymore.

"I w-was..." I knew not to lie, it would be too easy for Gerard to tell. "Trying to leave..."

Gerard groaned and his eyes filled with a slight anger, the different colors in his eyes making a beautiful color. I felt myself being swallowed in it. Although it was beautiful, it was extremely dangerous.

"P-please, Gerard, please don't hurt me; I'm sorry," I rushed out.

He sighed and grabbed me once he noticed I was slowly recoiling away from him, pushing on his chest.


"Frank, stop!" He yelled, grabbing my arms and pushing me against the wall. I felt a pain course through my spine and I slightly grimaced and let out a quiet sob.

let me go. (sequel to autism)Where stories live. Discover now