Chapter 24

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I spent the rest of my day, aching for more of Harry. Even throughout the run through that Orian gave me about my new job, I could only think about Harry, and his words echoed in my head.

"Didn't I tell you there'd be consequences for that mouth of yours?"

I shifted uncomfortably in my chair. I still felt the pleasurable sting and the hotness of my ass. Then my computer binged. An email.

I clicked on the icon to see who it was. Of course, none other than the glorious Harold. I opened the email.

I hope you've learned your lesson. Next time the punishment will be more servere. Try me if you'd like.
- Harry S.

I took a deep breath. This could not be happening. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. I bit my lip, debating in my head if I should reply or not. No. I couldn't. And I wouldn't.

I exited out and continued back to the task at hand. I could only imagine what would happen if Harry knew that I was slacking on the job.

"Kinky, isn't he?" Orian asked.

"What," I said, coming out of my thoughts and spinning around in the chair.

"I peeked. I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. I've been standing here for a bit. I had some papers to give you that Harold would like faxed to him."

"Uh, yeah, I'll get that to him, no problem. But why me?"

"Well, based on that email, I guess him giving you busy work is your 'owing him'." I chuckled a little, not knowing how to respond to that.

"But don't worry," Orion continued. "My lips are sealed." Then she winked at me, and walked back to her desk, shutting the door behind her. I slumped down in my chair and breathed heavily. This would be a long day.

_5:15 p.m._______________

The work day was finally over and my hands were aching a bit. That's the most work I've done in a month. I gathered my things and was about to head out of the door.

"Oh my God!" I yelled. Harry was standing at the door already when I came out.

"I'm sorry, did I scare you love?"

"Yeah, what the hell? I really wish you'd stop popping up everywhere, Harry."

"Oh is that so?"

"Yeah," I said moving a little and putting my purse into my other hand.

"I see you're the last one here. Why?"

"Well, um, I had to make sure I had everything finished and I had to straighten up a little."

"Mm, so I see. I knew you'd be an excellent worker." He moved closer to me and I moved.

"Harry, I-I have to go."

"Mia," he said grabbing my arm. "I don't want you to be afraid of me. I want to get to know you, as well. I know what you're thinking, and no, I'm not just some horny idiot who wants a sex toy to play with."

"I- I wasn't thinking that.."

"But the look in your eyes says you were."

"What look?"

"Mia, please. I know. You just met me. And it's day one on the job and you've already gotten that pretty ass of yours spanked. But, don't be afraid." I couldn't do anything but look at him. He read me just like that. But his words were still replaying in my head. He still had my arm in his hand.

"I'm not scared, Harry," was all I managed to get out. His face looked soft and with the sunset coming in through the window and shining on to his face and a little into his eyes, it made me want him more.

"Excuse me," I said.

"Mia, when you come back next time, I want you to come to my place. I want you to trust me when I tell you that I want to get to know you."

"Okay," I said, still looking into his eyes. He leaned forward, placing a kiss on my lips.

"I have to go," I said, and I squeezed myself between Harry and the wall.

As I walked down the street, I kept feeling this ache for Harry. Like there was something I needed. Like there was something I wanted. But I couldn't.

I went into the hotel and went up to the room, where I was greeted by Alexa.

"Chicky, how was work?" she said, acting more excited than my job than me.

"It... It was good."

"Something happened."

"What? Wh-why would you think that?"

"Mia, pleeeease, I know you. Don't lie. Dime, niña. Que paso?"

I broke down. For what? I'm not sure.

"Why are you crying?"

"I can't, Alexa... I'm hurting Alex and he doesn't know. He doesn't deserve this, he doesn't. I- I feel like I'm starting to get attatched to Harry... Well not Harry, but the things he does. I don't know what to do."

"Just stop overthinking it. You probably need this. What is... Look, the less Alex knows, the better."

"Yeah," I sniffled. "The less, the better."

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