Chapter 4 - Liam

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[I hope you guys will like it! x]

I enter the car and I feel my blood boiling. I was never this mad at anyone especially someone from the band. But this time I think Niall went too far, it was way too dangerous and he probably hurt that fan’s heart. It’s not like I care who he kisses but it’s just so weird that he chooses to do it at a mini-concert. And why did Ed help Niall? I’m also mad at the ginger guy but not as much as I am for my bands mate.

I start the car and I don’t even look back because I know that if I do I will be too worried for Niall and my anger will disappear. When I’m angry, it never last. Even when I know I have a reason to be.


Arrived home, Ed is already there. He doesn’t seem like he wants to say anything and I understand him. The way my eyes throw daggers, I wouldn’t talk to myself.

-          Thanks for bringing the car!

That’s the only thing I have the heart to say right now and he smiles. I guess, I’m not mad at him although I don’t understand why he did that with Niall. He should know better.

Ed nods and I enter the house leaving him behind. I don’t take one step that Louis is asking me what’s going on and then, all the other guys join in, standing behind Louis.

-          Guys, if you want to know what is going on ask Niall.

And then I push Louis a little to pass by him, I throw my coat on the ground and I climb the stairs to go in my room. I plop myself on the bed like a teenager, although I’m twenty years old, and I grab my pillow really hard, clenching my fists.

I honestly don’t know why I am so angry, I know I should be mad at him for the dangers he put himself into but why do I feel like there’s more to it?


I almost passed out when I heard the door open. I know Niall and Paul have arrived. I can’t resist the temptation to tell him what is going through my mind. Usually I’m a very calm and I always think before I say something but this time I’m just letting my heart go.

I run down stairs and I see the leprechaun looking at me with sad and angry eyes. Why is he angry? I should be angry, not him.

-          Niall! You moron! What were you thinking? Do you know how much you could’ve been hurt? Not to mention you probably hurt this poor fan! She will receive hate and she will think that you like her and she’s going to be very sad when she realizes you don’t…

I can’t finish my sentence, he cuts me off, how dares he. My blood is boiling inside me and my anger is growing. I hate myself for being so mad.

-          Maybe I do like her! Maybe I did this for her, maybe Ed helped me because I loved her and I wanted to get to know her better.

It feels like someone stabbed me in the stomach. It hurt, but I’m not quite sure why.

-          Know her better by kissing her?! Why didn’t you just call her and ask her on a private date? You had to throw a mini-concert, knowing that paparazzi will be there? That’s so irresponsible!

This guy who used to be my best friend turns around and leaves me there. The other boys who were assisting to our fight are still in shock, probably because no one in the band ever fought like this in the past. If we did it was always small misunderstandings and such.

I can’t take their pity looks and shocked eyes anymore. I grab my coat and I leave slamming the door. The cold breeze gets to me immediately and I feel numb. My rant turned into sadness. I’m having a roller coaster of emotions and it’s not fun at all.

I start walking a little, not going too far in case someone was walking and saw me. Although we live pretty far from other houses it happens that someone people go for walks near our house. We always have to be careful.

My phone vibrates in my pocket, its mentions from fans on twitter.

Three quarter of the tweets are fans telling me they love me and the other quarter is still talking about Danielle and I.

I think they talk about Niall and that mystery girl now. At least they don’t talk about Danielle and I’s breakup. Talking about that, I didn’t even think about it today because of what happened. I guess his stupid actions made me forget about my sadness.

Oh my god… and he made the fans forget about it too! I still don’t know if he did that just to see the girl, if he really likes her, or if he did that so the media don’t pay much attention on me and Danielle anymore.  I have to apologize!

That’s when I notice I walked pretty far from the house; I was lost in my thoughts. I walk back and I notice the door is locked. Usually when all the bands mate leaves they lock the doors and leave a message in the mailbox for when one member comes back home first, so they know where they are.

On one small post-it Harry, Louis and Zayn wrote: “We are going to the mall for a while, you can join us if you want, just text us”.

It’s nice of them to invite me but I’m really not in the mood for the mall.

Niall wrote: “I’m with the girl; she wanted to talk to me…”

Turns out I might be going to the mall… Thank god I left my wallet in my coat because I would have been stuck outside. My key fell out my jacket when I threw it on the ground.

I sit on the stairs, waiting for the taxi. They are frozen cold but it doesn’t matter, it makes me forget a little about all my feelings and concentrate on the cold. It’s weird, but it works.


When the taxi arrives I hop in and I ask him to drive me to the mall.

-          You’re british right?

I didn’t expect him to talk to me.

-          Yeah, I am.

He is an old man with almost no hair on his scalp. He has a warming smile and a beer belly.

The man nods and smiles but he doesn’t say anything else.

-          Are we almost here? I ask.

-          Yes, I two minutes we will.

It’s my turn to nod. When the ride is over, I pay him with the Canadian money I had in my wallet and as soon as I’m out of the car, I try to call Louis.

I go through my contacts and search for Louis’ name. I know his number by heart but my brain is too numb for me to think about it.

I scroll down, and I see his name but since my fingers are really cold I end up scrolling a little more and my finger ends up on Niall’s name. And my phone dials his number.

I hear the ringing sound it makes when we call someone and I sort of freak out inside. Oh no, why. I wasn’t ready to talk to him! I guess this was meant to happen.

-          Hello? Liam?

The sound of his Irish accent makes me smile. I’m not sure what to say though. I can’t just tell him I didn’t want to call him, but what can I say?

I hear a girl’s voice in the background and I hold my breath to hear it better.

“Niall, you know I loved you for a very long time. If you don’t why did you kiss me?”

My heart stops.

“… I do love you…”

And I hang up. I can’t take this anymore. I just let my self fall on a mountain of snow and I stay there, feeling the cold and the wind around me.

[It took me a while to write, but I think it's better than Chapter 3! What do you guys think? Comment, vote and follow if you want to know when the next chapter will be up! 

Thankyou for reading! x]

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