Prologue - Liam

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[ I really hope you guys will like this! xx]

It's like I have a hole in my chest. A dark, deep hole. Nothing feels the same, I don't know how to feel.

It is late outside, street lights are opened and it's freezing. The boys and I are touring in Canada for a while before writing our next album. Christmas is near but I am not in the mood for joyful celebrations. Not when my heart is empty of all happiness.

My head keeps reminding me of sad moments happening in my life while my ears barely hears the song on the radio. 

"Turn left in five kilometers"

It's when the GPS starts talking that I come back to reality. I turn left like the machine indicated me and I stop the vehicle in front of a beautiful modern house.

My hearts starts racing. How will I tell the guys about Danielle and I? How will they take it? I was the only one left in the band with a girlfriend.

Trying to forget about my fear, I try to take my key out and open the door. But then I realize I forgot my keys at Danielle's. I let out a sigh and I knock, hoping that the boys didn't go to a bar.

The house is beautiful, it has beige and brown bricks, big windows, trees at many places and a really good ambiance. We bought this house a while ago to be able to come visit Canada more often without being followed every wheres and have a little privacy. The house is in a suburb, not in the city but not too far away because we like to go out often. It was Zayn's idea to buy a house in Montreal because he fell in love when we had a show there in the summer.

Finally, the door opens and I see Louis greeting me with a smile.

- We we're playing hide and seek and no one wanted to get out of their hiding spot to come answer the door. he laughed and I stood there doing nothing.

I couldn't bare the thought of smiling. I just wanted to go inside and hide in my room.

As soon as I enter I get a "are you okay?" from Zayn and four worried faces.

I nod and I take a seat not knowing where to go anymore. If I just left they would be too worried and I would feel really bad for letting them there, worrying with no explanation. 

" Sadly, I'm not okay..." I stop and I let out a sigh before adding "Danielle broke up with me."

"Oh Liam" I hear Harry tell me. He gets up quickly to give me a hug. I feel a little better already. I mean who can blame me? Harry's hug are so comforting. Although I have to admit that Niall's hugs are better. I have to control myself for not laughing. I can't believe I can still laugh about things.

" Why did she break up with you?" Niall asks

" She said she didn't have anytime for me because of her dance career and that since I often left to other places in the world we won't see each other at all. She also said that it's better to end our relationship right now before things turn out bad."

All my bands mate approach me and give me a big hug. 

I give them a sad smile.

- I'm going to go outside for a walk. I need to clear out my mind. Please, no one follow me.

When I said that Niall's eyes showed disapointment. Maybe he wanted to join me and talk. Of course if he decided to come I wouldn't tell him to leave. I like his company.


It's always surprising how cold it is in Canada. I mean, it's colder than my home town.

Even with my big black coat I feel the wind making me shake. 

I'm quite glad we bought a house in Montreal. It's so beautiful there. The trees have ice and snow on them making a huge forest of beautiful coldness. The sky is so beautiful when the snowflakes fall down slowly, ending up on your cheeks. The fog coming out of your mouth when you breath... makes me think of when Danielle and I were visiting Paris a couple of months ago.

The city of love. We had such a good time eating crepes and drinking whine late at night on the balcony of our hotel room. I would've never thought we would end up like this. Not together. I mean, even if we weren't going to see each other a lot we couldv'e done it right?

A lot of people have long distance relationships and they make it just fine. We would of called each other everyday and text sweet messages. I don't believe this choice was right but who am I to make her change her mind.

My head hurts and I keep looking at the sky, watching the snowflakes falls around. Careless of where they end up, knowing things will be hard either way.

- Mind if I join you?

I turn around and I see Niall wearing a dark red coat, hands in the pockets.

- Not at all, I invite him trying to smile.

His eyes brighten up and he has an honest smile on his face while walkin towards me.

- You know, if you want to talk, I'm there for you.

- I know, I answer with a real smile this time.

I really don't like to bother people with my problems but with Niall, somehow, I can. He always seems so happy to listen to my problems and to help me. And I guess it feels good to not carry our pain all the time and sharing what we feel often helps.

We have been talking about everything and anything for a while when I see blue and red lights in front of us. A police officer comes out of the car. He wears a uniform and a badge. That's how you know not to mess with him. 

- Do you guys need any help?

I turn my head to look at Niall and I see he has the same expression as I do. The "What's going on?" expression.

- Euhm nope, not really, I mumble.

- I mean, did you call for help? I'm looking for someone who said they we're running away from their spouse...

- No sir, we are only tourists going for a walk.

- Alright, thanks for your time. Good day.

- And good luck to you officer, Niall adds.

That's when we decided to head back home to avoid any more incidents.


- You guys are back! Louis screams as if he was really that happy to see us.

Maybe he was. You never know with Louis.

- What is so funny Payne?

I just laugh a little but don't answer him. Too exhausted to try and find something to defend myself.

We sit down in the living room. Zayn and Harry are on the couch facing the TV, while Louis is on the couch perpendicular to the sofa, that Harry and Zayn are on, facing the TV. The couch that Niall and I are sitting is facing Louis' sofa. We're all watching the news wondering what's new in Canada since we just arrived a couple of days ago. Of course, the blonde gets up in the middle of the show and comes back with food. He places a big bowl of popcorn on the coffee table placed in the middle of the couch and the TV. 

Harry who was checking his phone looks up at me with really sad eyes that make me worry.

- Harry? I ask

He turns his face to avoid my gaze for a second. Then he shows me the screen of his phone and my mouth drops. I never thought I would say this but I'm so done. 

• • •

 [Well this is the epilogue. Please tell me what you think about it in the comments! Anything to help me write better the next time would be appreciated! I know it's not long but I'm not used to write so much for chapters and I did try to expand the story for a while but it's really hard for me.

Of course I will work on that a lot! :)

Next update as soon as I get a couple of comments and reaction towards this fan fic.

• This epilogue is dedicated to TheWayYouLookTonight because her story was my first fanfic and she inspired me to write my own •

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