Chapter 11 - Liam, Niall

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[I love this chapter so much! Both the boys have their POV in the story so be careful :3]

Liam’s POV

Gemma left home today, it has been three days since she stayed in our hotel room. We had loads of fun, she brought us donuts one day and we spent the night gaming out on the playstation she brought for us. The other day, we just went for a walk during the night looking at the stars and going in a café. The boys liked it and Zayn even invited Perrie over at one point when she had time off. It was fun and everyone seemed to enjoy it, even Niall. I say that because I saw his face when I stopped holding his hand, the thing is I just wanted to itch but it just happened to be at the same time as that fan appeared. Okay, I’m a pitiful liar; I didn’t want the media to start stories about us just yet. We aren’t even a thing; we just have those feelings for each other, but we’re not a couple.

We are at a breakfast restaurant right now and we are sitting at a table in the far back of the restaurant, right beside the bathroom door. The owner promised us we wouldn’t be bothered because they had a sign up saying that the bathrooms weren’t available.

I have my face cupped in my hands and I let out a sigh.

“Is everything okay Liam?” I hear Niall asking with a tone that no one would guess as sarcastic except me. I can’t blame him though; I did just show him I was ashamed of holding his hand in public.

“Li’ is just so hungry he can’t wait for his breakfast to arrive and it causes him deep deep exasperation.” Louis says and I start grinning. This guy knows how to make us laugh even in the saddest moments. Harry hits his left arm and Zayn his right arm and he yells an ‘OUCH’ really loud and we all burst out laughing.

Then, everything happens so fast. We hear our bodyguards screaming from where they were taking a seat near us. A girl with dark hair arrives in front of our table and grabs Niall’s arm and pulls him out of his chair. She drags him in the bathroom and locks the door. I get the reflex to get up quickly and knock on the door screaming the Irish boy’s name. “Shut up! I’m trying to have a conversation with Niall!”

I shake my head vigorously, this can’t happen. She could be doing anything to that innocent boy. How the hell did she get through our bodyguards and the restaurant’s manager? Paul arrives next to me and tells me to step aside; he is trying to break the door open. “If you do that the door is going to open on Niall and hit him!” The girl says and Paul stops ashamed because he didn’t think of that solution. It’s totally understandable because we are in a crisis and he did the first thing that came through his mind.

I sit down on a chair and I try to control the panic that is starting to invade my body. I can see the other boys do the same because they are all wide eyed and nervously shacking. The other body guard ask us to leave the restaurant quickly and they all do but I tell him I want to stay. “I’m staying Ni’, I’m not leaving you here!” I scream.


Niall’s POV

No, this can’t be. ‘Annabelle…’ I whisper.

She grins when I say her name and I shake my head. My blood is boiling inside of me. Can’t she leave me alone? I know I did her harm but she did me harm too and she drugged me by putting some drugs in my Starbucks and now what? She wants to apologize?

“Leave me the fuck alone, you did enough harm already and I am so not in the mood for all this crap. I have a life and friends waiting for me outside, I can’t always just do things to please you.”  I say and she pushes me near the toilet and forces me to sit down on it. She’s now literally standing so close to me and I have to lift my head to look at her but I don’t, I won’t. She takes her hand to lift my chin up and I’m now looking at her. She leans in to kiss me and I turn my head so she only kisses my cheek. Her eyes are burning with anger and I push her away. “What do you think you’re doing?” I ask her abruptly.

“I fucking love you okay!”

“But you fucking drugged me!” I say emphasizing on the bad word like she did.

I see her face change and the anger is replaced by sadness, tears are running down her face and she lets herself fall down on the floor and her back is pressed against the bathroom door. I sit next to her despite everything and ask her why she did that.

“Be-because I-I just wanted you to love me, because your kiss just… I just thought you loved me back but then you told me it was just to help a friend and-and- I…” She can’t say anything anymore, she is crying and her shoulders are shaking.

“I’m so sorry Annabelle, it really wasn’t my intention to do this to you, I just didn’t think more about my plan and I ended up hurting more than one person. I don’t know how I can make it up to you and I might never really be able to. But I can guaranty that you will find someone that likes you for you and that will make you happy and I can assure you that I can’t be that guy. You have to find someone you actually deserve. It wouldn’t be okay for me to be with you because there’s someone else I like.”

“Who is that?” She whispers in between sobs.

“Liam Payne.”


Liam’s POV

I hear all their conversation and when I heard Niall say my name I almost cried. He still likes me after what I did to him? I have to make it up to him, I have to.

At the sounds of things Niall is safe. I can’t believe Annabelle still got to him. I didn’t want to say this but that girl is crazy.

The door opens and a girl with puffy eyes and a sad Irish boy come out. Paul takes her apart and they have a talk away from us. Niall is just standing there looking at nothing, probably deep in his thoughts. I approach him and this time, I take his hand. I smile at him and he just rests his head on my shoulder. He doesn’t make a sound but I feel the tears on my shoulder. I make him sit down and we wait until Paul is done talking to Annabelle.

“She said she was sorry and that she was never going to bother any of you anymore.” He said.

“Did she ask for a condition?” I ask.

“No, I just told her that if she harassed any of you she would be in a lot of trouble for putting drugs into Niall’s drink and harassing him continuously. She promised she wouldn’t and she really did look sincere, we are paying for her ticket back to Canada.”

The only thing Ni’ said was:

“We shouldn’t avoid going to Canada just because of her though, that country is wonderful.”

“I agree.” I said with a smile.


Harry and Louis decided to stay at the hotel room and game out and Zayn joined Perrie. Niall and I are at the park behind our hotel.

“I heard what you said to Annabelle.” I say while moving a little because the bench we are sitting on is freezing.

Since he doesn’t answer I add: “And I’m happy that you still like me after what I have done to you.”

Niall turns around to face me. “You didn’t do anything. You were right, we aren’t ready to show the world yet because this just started but I especially don’t want it to end.”

“I will make it up to you.” I say as I bring my face closer to his, and look at him in the eye then drag my eyes to his lips. He brushes his lips with mine briefly and I get shivers. I can’t take the wait anymore and I just bring my lips to his and he kisses me back.

We stop, out of breath and I groan ‘I will make it up to you, I swear.”

[I hope you all like it as much as I liked writing it! Comment, vote and follow if you liked it :)

Dedication to TrulyMadlyNiam_ for commenting :'D]

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