Chapter 10 - Niall

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[It's shorter but I hope you still like it.]

Later that afternoon Gemma forced us to go with her and we didn’t complain. I decided I would leave everything that happened in Canada behind and move on, it’s not like I can change what happened so I might as well learn from it and move on. When I think about that I think about The Lion King “Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it you can either run away from it or learn from it” quote.

 Annabelle did play with me but I also played with her so it’s only fair. Now I can forget about it and be more careful when I do things, like always telling the boys or the bodyguards where I go. I can’t help but still being mad at her like who puts drugs in someone else’s drink? Unless she wanted to make me sick so that I… Oh, she probably wanted me to get sick because of what I have done to her at the ‘concert’. At least now she has her revenge so we are even.


Even if it is cold, Gemma brought us at the zoo and said “If anyone complains about this, I’m going to open the cages filled with Lions and make sure they eat you.” Zayn’s eyes widened and Liam couldn’t help himself from laughing. “Find it funny Payne? You’re going to be the first one to die.” And that shut him up right away. I walked a little faster to stand near him and I slid my hand in his, he looked at me with a smile and my heart fluttered.

I really hope that boy feels the same way as I do. I mean I never really got attracted to boys but there’s something about Liam that can’t be described with words. I mean, I’m just walking next to him and I can feel how happy he is and how much he loves watching the animals in his cage. But then I notice his mood change when he thought about how long they stayed in that cage, not being able to get out and be free. He didn’t tell me but I know him enough to know what he is thinking, Liam is just too sweet sometimes I feel like a mean person.  He always takes care of other people and puts their needs before his and I admire him for that.

“I’m hungry…” Louis groans and Harry gives him the ‘you’re always hungry’ look but suggest we go eat at the park that is next to the zoo.

The sky was grey but it wasn’t that cold, there was snow in the trees and some were frozen, it was beautiful. Harry took out a blanket from the picnic basket he brought and dropped it nicely on the ground while Zayn rearranged the corners. Liam and Gemma handed everyone some chicken sandwiches that Harry made before we left and some watermelon juice.

“Oh my god Harry, I would marry you just so I can eat your food all the time.” Louis mumbled while taking a bite from his sandwich. Harry smiled but he looked hurt, as if Louis’ comment hurt him and Louis noticed it because he added while winking at him “But of course I would marry you mostly because you are sweet and so my type.” and Harry laughed while hitting Louis on the arms.

I sat next to Liam especially to be able to hold his hand and he took it without hesitation and smiled at me. I just wish I wasn’t always the one making a move towards him; I wish he would hold my hand sometimes or cuddle with me. I could think it’s because he doesn’t share the same feelings as me but he doesn’t seem to mind my approaches and he did seem like he wanted to kiss me this morning but maybe that was just my imagination.

“Excuse me.” A small voice says behind Gemma and Zayn who were sitting at the other end of the blanket. “May I take a picture with you guys?” Harry’s sister gave us a look that probably meant I knew this would happen sooner or later. Liam immediately lets go of my hand and my heart sinks. Maybe he doesn’t have feelings for me, maybe he was just being nice while holding my hand or maybe he just thought I was cold and wanted something to warm up my hands.

“Sorry I have to go.” I say while getting up quickly. I can’t stay there after what happened, I feel so embarrassed and the boys probably all saw what happened. I speed walk to the zoo and then I slow down letting my feelings devour me inside. I look at the wild animals around me, they all look as sad as I am.

“Hey Ni’.” I hear being me. I turn around and see Gemma with concerned written all over her face. “I’m okay, don’t worry, I just don’t feel like talking to anyone.” I say.

“Oh it’s not I that wanted to talk to you but Liam. I just thought I would make sure you wanted to talk to him first… I saw what happened.”

I don’t answer; I am too embarrassed to confirm what happened. I feel a hand on my shoulder but I don’t turn around I know who that hand belongs to and I can’t bear to look at his face. “I don’t want to talk.” I say firmly while snapping his hand away.

“Niall please let me explain myself!” I hear behind me as I run away like a coward. I always run away from my problems but I can’t help myself. I’m a horrible person, Liam doesn’t deserve me and it turns out I’m actually not good enough for him. Everything is in order then.

As if things couldn’t get worse, the tears fall down my cheeks and Gemma is trying to comfort me. I officially deserve the coward gold medal.

[The story is going towards the end, I have most of it all planned out. Don't forget to COMMENT, VOTE and FOLLOW if you liked it! :)]

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