Epilogue - Niall

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[So, this is it!]

10 years later we are not a band anymore. Liam and I are living in a small house in Canada with two adopted kids Mia and Nathan. Harry and Louis are living in London; they adopted a little girl named Amanda. Zayn and Perrie are also living in London and have three kids; Jane, Lily and Maxime.

The boys are all considered the kids uncles and we have huge family meetings with all the boy’s families. I love those, when everyone sits together, talk and eats. Especially the eating part and I’m only partly kidding.

Everything turned out okay, sometimes when we walk outside fans stop us to take pictures but we are never harassed anymore. They respect our privacy. Or they like this new boy band better the ‘Star Lights’. Since I’m always a fan of boy bands I might fan girl about them just to make Liam jealous.

“Daddy Niall can I get an ice cream, the ice cream truck stopped near the house. Please?” Mia asks with big blue eyes.

It is so hard to say no to this girl. “Of course dear, let’s go.”

When we stop near the truck the side window opens and I see Zayn, Louis and Harry in the car with aprons and ice cream cones in their hands. “Surprise!” They yell and I can’t help but laugh. I’m so glad that I kept in touch with these boys.

“Wait here, I will go get Liam!” I scream as I run towards the house’s door.

Liam is in the kitchen making diner; I come near him and hug him from behind putting my head on his shoulder. “The boys came for a visit, you won’t have to make diner.” I whisper in his ear.

“Did they bring ice cream again?” Liam asks and I shrug. This is not the first time the boys surprises us with ice cream.

We do the same when we visit in London. It’s sort of our new tradition to please the kids and ourselves.

The door opens again and we got 4 kids running after us; Amanda, Lily, Jane and Maxime who jump in our arms when they see us!

“Uncle Liam, Uncle Niall!” They scream and we both hug them.

When I look at how my life has changed I can’t help but feel nostalgic from time to time but looking at these wonderful kids I tell myself that my life changed for the best.

“Who is up for a little diner before we eat that ice cream, yeah?” Liam asks and the kids make that cute pouting face but agree and run to tell their fathers.


We are now eleven at the table eating pasta with chicken. Music is playing in the background on my ipod and everyone has smiles on their faces. Mia is throwing pasta to Maxime and we stop them in time.

To me, this is a perfect family picture. I love all these 10 people and I really wish my life stays like this, full of love and excitement. Seeing the children grow and become fans of musicians and groups make me happy and I make sure to support them if they want to go to concerts, if they behave of course.

Nathan is finding a lot of interest in music; he already plays the guitar and the drums. Of course they are small versions of the instruments because he is only seven but I’m really happy to see him improve and have fun when he plays. Mia and Jane take singing lessons and joins Nathan from time to time. I’m sure they would make a lovely band. Mia and Maxime are more into sports; Mia loves to swim and Maxime plays football and he admires his uncle Louis very much. Lily, she is an artist; she paints on everything and Zayn let her paint on her walls like he once did in his apartment.

Of course I have to metion Annabelle and Laeka. Annabelle is my friend on facebook, I keep in touch with her sometimes. Liam doesn’t seem to agree but I say that everyone needs another chance and she changed a lot since. She doesn’t have any kids but she has a fiancée names Kevin, she is very happy which makes me happy too. Laeka is nowhere to be seen, I think she moved away but I never heard of her since our discussion in town about Liam and her going on a date.

But also for our happiness I would like to thank mostly the fans for supporting us all those years especially when we broke them our big news. I couldn’t have asked for better supportive fans. Of course some were angry and sending us hate on twitter but we managed to ignore them and focus on the good comments. We told ourselves that if we loved each other, no should tell us what to do and I’m glad we did.

For the future I don’t see anything special for all of us, just looking at our kids growing up and supporting them in any way possible. One day they will grow up like us and we will be grand-fathers with many grand-children and we will see them pursuit their dreams too. That’s the beauty of life. 

[Thank you to every one for the support if you read one or every chapter, if you voted once or all the time and if you commented or not. Thank you so much. 

It's dedicated to TrulyMadlyNiam_ for the beautiful comment, I almost cried. Thank you! xx

Make sure to check out my other story The Princess and the Thief 

http://www.wattpad.com/41098091-the-princess-and-the-thief-louis-tomlinson ]

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