Holy shit is that Harry Styles (part 3)

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Kim p.o.v

I woke up to a bright flashlight pointing in my face, its all i could see as i was in a pitch black room. I was tied to a chair and and my arms tied around my back.

"Oh good your awake" i swear I've heard that accent before. I think it sounded like a-... No it couldn't be.

"Hey man, you mind toning the light down a bit yeah, do you want me to end up blind?" I knew who it was and there was no way i was scared of him.

"Who are you and what do you want?" he asked. It sounded just like a movie. But this wasnt a movie. We actually were in danger.

"Hey listen i know your scared but i was sent to help you, me and the girls in the lift were coming to help you guys and- wait speaking of which, where are the guys?" He must have known i was telling the truth because he untied me and sat down on the floor next to me.

"Um i don't know, when we were kidnapped i fought off the guards and ran for my life. I haven't seen them in days" i could hear the sadness in his voice. I felt sorry for him. I had just experienced what its like to have you best friends taken from you and not know whats happened to them.

"Harry?" i said as he looked up.

"We will find them, i promise." I gave him a hug then pulled away. 

"But right now we need a plan.... And ive got a plan" i spoke confidenly as he leaned in showing he was paying full attention.

This mission was about to get crazy...


Maisie p.o.v

This mission was going terribly. We had lost all connection with the girls. We checked all the security cameras and couldnt see anyone or anything, even with night vision. We didnt tell the girls because it would make them panic. Only me and sharnee knew. We only had 12 hours to complete the mission before other enemy agents were coming to collect the boys...

Right let me give you the latest information. Sharnee managed to trace a call from One Direction's kidnappers to other enemy agents. During the call sharnee found out that 1D's kidnappers would be selling them to SKULL for more money you could dream of. Right let me tell you about SKULL. SKULL is one of Britain's most wanted villain agency. They have some of the best villains in the entire world. They were also the most dangerous. If we let One Direction get handed over to them.. Well... Its game over. For us and 1D. My thoughts were soon interrupted by good news....

"Sharnee.... Maisie can you hear me?" 

"Oh great jess is that you?" sharnee asked.

"Yes, i managed to get my ear piece to work... Listen kayti has been kidnapped, me and karolina are in a room, safe for now and we have lost all connection with kim, we have no idea where she is...."

"Right girls, we need one of you to turn on you phone and turn on the GPS" sharnee said typing furiously at her computer.

"But wont that let the enemy's track us down?" 

"No Jess, listen if you dont turn on the GPS, im not gonna be able to find you and if i can find you then i cant work out a floor plan and then we can find the girls..." sharnee was getting a little irritated at jess questioning her but she stayed calm.

"Ok wait a second..... Okay done it"  jess anounced. Sharnee was busy on her computer and within seconds had an entire floor plan of where the girls were. 

"Right jess turn off the GPS" she said not even taking her eyes of the computer. Sharnee started to explain the plan to Jess. 

This mission really is about to get crazy...


Jess p.o.v

After Sharnee explained the plan to me and karolina, we were ready for action. Karolina crept over to the door and peered through the key hole to check that the coast was clear. She nodded, indercating it was say to go. This is where it gets crazy!

She wacked the door open and we both did an army role out and sucked ourselves up against the wall. We were now in spy mode...

We were sliding along the dark corridor when we heard voices...

"Come on, weve got to go get the boys ready for them to be taken by those SKULL agents.... We really must find the last boy if we want the full amount of money..."   We didnt hear anymore as they had walked away.. But it left me thinking, 'we really must find the last boy' just kept ringing through my ears.... Where was the last boy? And who was 'the last boy'? But anyway back to the mission. Karolina tapped my shoulder and pointed towards a room with a light on. I snook over to it and peered throught the key hole. It was Kim... Kim and... Holy shit is that Harry Styles!!!

I tried the handle but the door was locked. I knew kim and harry knew there was someone outside.

"Kim i know your in there, is Jess" i whispered through the key hole. I heard movement and saw her eye appear at the key hole.

"Prove it" I cant believe she just asked me to do that. I did the only thing that came to mind. I argued back.

"How should i prove that its actually me when it is actually me?" i questioned. I heard harry chuckle.

"Your so immature, you know?" 

"Yeah but you know you love it!" i said giggling. And with that she unlocked the door. Me and karolina dived in and kim locked the door behind us. Karolina finally looked up.

"Holy shit is that Harry Styles?"

Well isnt this going to be exciting....

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