We need to find him, NOW!

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Kayti p.o.v

We; me, jess and louis we currently having loads of fun. No i didnt mean that in the dirty way. Naughty! But while im presuming the other guys would be taking this seriously, we were running around, hiding from guards and occasionally punching one in the face as defence. But no, this is serious. We needed to focus.

"Hahahaha!" louis screeched extremely loudly. When i saw what he was laughing at, i could help but burst out giggling too. Jess, being the stupid thing she is, decided to run into a room before checking it was clear. She soon came sprinting out screaming. She being the sly thing she also is, managed to grab the key from inside the door and was currently locking the guards inside!

"Jess, come on before the get out!" i shouted grabbing jess and louis' arm and running down a corridor. 

"Oh stop being a party pooper, kayti, Have some FUN!" she yelled back. as we continued strolling down the lifeless corridors louis tripped over face planting the floor. Causing jess to start rolling on the floor laughing.

"Ow my nose..." louis mumbled picking himself up.

"Omg that was HILARIOUS! Louis you gotta do that again!" Jess said also causing me to let out my laughter. Jess soon stopped laughing and her face turned into a frown as she seemed to spot something. She crawled over to an object on the floor, what louis must have tripped on.

"What is it?" louis asked curiously.

"It... it... looks like a..... a...... " jes started but didnt have time to finish.

"Oi, You get back hear right now!" there were 2 guards racing towards us. 

"RUN!" louis screamed dragging me with him. Jess soon scrambled off the floor and ran after us, still carrying the object...


Liam p.o.v

 "RUN!" All of us; kim, karolina, harry and niall spun around. We all looked at each other to check we didnt just imagine it.

"Please tell me you guys heard that too?" karolina asked. Kim smacked her arm.

"Ow! What was that for?" she asked pulling a pouty face.

"What do you think? Are we deaf? Of course we heard that!" kim said rolling her eyes and shaking her head. We all went quiet as we heard faint footsteps. It sounded like they were running. Me and harry sucked ourselves against the wall as kim and karolina did the same.

"Niall!" i hissed as quietly as i could. He obeyed me and dived over to the wall. Everything was silent as we heard giggling. Kim instantly stepped away from the wall, as if she knew who it was. Then i heard a different laugh. Louis! I also stepped away from the wall, closely followed by harry. Then 3 figures came around the corner and was running towards us.

"Get you fat arses out the way!" a girl yelled.

"Jess!" harry shrieked as a smile crept on his face. Someone go a little crush!

"Harry! Now get you asses running, were being chased!" the girl, im presuming was called jess, shouted. We all did as they said and began running.

"QUICK IN THERE!" a different girl yelled pointing into an empty room. We all dived in, as kim snook over to the door and watched as the guards ran past still looking for the guys.

 "Im so glad you guys are okay!" kim said gathering jess and the other girl in a hug.

"Yeah i know, i know, what would you do without me?" jess said and kim rolled her eyes.

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