Oooh very nice!

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Jess p.o.v

We have already been driving for 4 hours and we were nearly at the departure area. We had a private jet waiting for us. My brother, Marcus, is also a spy. He works for other people though. I told him about our problem and where we were going, and he got us a private jet.

I looked in the mirror and saw kayti and louis snuggled up together next to kim and niall who had fallen asleep with a packet of oreos, which was half eaten, on kims lap. Then karolina had her head against the window and liam had his head on karolinas shoulder. It was pretty cute. Sharnee and zayn were playing chess in the back and kept moaning when i turned a corner and knocked some of the pieces over. Maisie was sat next to them on her phone, most probable talking to Bradley. Then harry. He was sleeping peacefully with his head on the window.

"Hey sharnee, were nearly here, we have to wake them." i whispered to sharnee, while parking the car.

"Right jess wake harry, louis and kayti, zayn wake karolina and liam and i will wake kim and niall, maisie go get the jet ready!" she ordered.

I leaned over to harry. I smirked and decided to have a little fun. I grabbed a bottle of water from the glove compartment. Karolina must have left it in there. I slowly undid the lid and started to pour it over harry's head. It wasnt doing anything so i tipped the entire bottle over his head. He snapped his head up and his eyes went wide.

"What the fuck?!?" he yelled. I laughed uncontrollably.

"Your so immature, jess!" he said getting out the car. I did the same and opened kayti and louis's door.

"Yeah but you love me really!" i shouted back to harry, he just smirked and shook his head. I opened the door to reveal a cute couple sleeping peacefully. I put me head really close to kayti's ear and shouted...

"Wakey, wakey!"

"Arrgghh! What the actual fuck jess!" kayti and louis both shouted in union. I just giggle as they got out the car. Sharnee and zayn had woken up kim, karolina, niall and liam.

"Right come on guys lets get to Ibiza!" kayti shouted running with louis, over to the jet. Sharnee and zayn had just climbed in the jet along with karolina and liam and kayti and louis wernt far behind.

"Whoa, where did the jet come from?" harry asked as kim and niall appeared next to me.

"Jess, you didnt steal it did you?" kim asked raising her eyebrows. I acted hurt.

"I cant believe you guys would think i would do something like that! And no i didnt steal it. Marcus did!" i said to kim.

"Who's Marcus?" niall asked.

"My brother" i replied, he just nodded.

"Oi, come on or were leaving without you!" kayti shouted from inside the jet. We; me, kim, naill and harry started running towards the jet.

"I would like to see you get in the villa, scenes as i have the keys!" i shouted, laughing.

"Oh yeah, i didnt think of that!" kayti said as we all dive into the jet and the doors shut behind us.

"Oooh, very nice!" niall said looking around the jet. (Pic of inside part of the jet on side).

"Maisie drive.... Or should i say fly!" kim shouted everyone laughing at her.
(A/N: I have no idea how long it takes to get to Ibiza, so i just made it up!)

It was about 2 hours to Ibiza and everyone was very tired. Once again people started to drift off to sleep. Everyone had their own chair now. My eyes slowly started to close as i slowly drifted off to sleep...


Karolina p.o.v

I was awoken by the sound of a constant beeping noise. I sat up and looked around to see where the noise was coming from. I finally found the source of the noise.


I clambered out of my warm, comfy chair and wobbled over to her.
"Sharnee....Sharnee.....SHARNEE!" i yelled constantly tapping her on the shoulder. she bolted up and stared at me.

"What's wrong?" she asked in a worried, but slightly annoyed tone.

"Your beeping!" i said. We both looked down to the phone she had in her hands. She looked at the picture that had popped up on the screen.

"Its management." she said. We all knew who could handle this kim and jess. The two that wernt afraid to be sassy to management. I dived over to wake them. As soom as i dived on them the shot up and looked angry.

"Why the hell did you wake us?!" they both snapped at me.

"Management is calling sharnee and we need you to speak to them!" their faces soon softened as kim grabbed the phone off sharnee and answered.

"Hello?" she said politely. She put it on loudspeaker.

"Girls, where the hell are you and where are One Direction?"

"Well you see, we didnt find them, we looked around the whole building and there was no sign of them." kim explained.

"And where exactly are you now?" as he spoke kims face dropped. She didnt know what to say. The jess stepped in and took the phone off kim.

"I dont mean to sound rude, but that is non of your business." she said sassily. The man who was on the phone (our management) sighed heavily before speaking.

"Girls, girls, girls, i always knew this would happen one day. But watch your backs girls, i will find you and One Direction and i will kill all of you."
And then he hung up.

"Fudge-nuggets!" kim said storming of back to her chair/sofa.

"Fuck! I need food!" jess said walking over to the kitchen.

"Jess you always 'need food'" sharnee said putting emphasis on 'need food' as thats what jess said. Jess just rolled her eyes, grabbed a packet of oreos and went back to bed.

"Lets just sleep and we will discuss this when we get there." sharnee said cuddling back up to her duvet.

I just nodded and sighed and jumped back onto my chair/couch.

With management, things are going to get crazy!

~~~~~~~~(1 hour later)~~~~~~~~~~

"Karolina get up!"
"Dont ignore me!"
"Im not going to stop till you wake up."
"Alright thats it....."
"GET YOUR FAT ARSE OUT OF BED NOW!" it must be jess.

"Okay! Okay! Im up!" i shouted back. I finally sat up and looked around. Everyone was gone. The doors were open. I took in a deep breath and took in the smell. It smelt like salty sea water and the wind smelt so fresh.

"Come on! Get your lazy ass out of bed, where in Ibiza!" she yelled before jumping out the jet.

"Oh how i love this place." i whispered to myself as i walked away from the villa and took the short walk though the jungle of palm trees to the stunning beach.

Oh how i really do love this place.....


Hiya guys, sorry for this chapter. It was just a filler really.

There is gonna be some romance in the next bit.


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Spy's on a mission: One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now