Lets do this shit!

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Kim p.o.v

I was running for my life. It was now that i kinda wished i tried harder in cross country at school. It just made it worse that i had no clue where i was going. But i didnt care. Oh i forgot to tell you, right now im running away from not 1, not 2, not 3 but 7. 7 enemy agents...

I spotted an elevator ahead of me. I didnt think, I just dived in. Thank god it worked. But the other agents knew i was in here and would soon be able to break through the door. I quickly press the buttons 87. Yes this building had 87 floors, not including the under ground ones. I waiting patiently for the life to reach the top...


The doors slid open and i ran. I could hear the agents chasing me. Wow they really could run fast. I dived straight into a room that was directly in front of me. I looked around, after locking the door, and looked for a way out. Bingo! There was a window. It was my only hope. It would only be a matter of muinets before the other agents would break down the door. I remembered i was wearing the belt that maisie and sharnee created. I quickly hopped out the window and tried to keep my balance on the window ledge, while i whipped out the end of the belt and hooked it to the outside of the building where the agents wouldnt be able to reach. Then i jumped. Everyone knew that i was terrified of heights and now i was 306 meters off the ground. But i had to think straight. One wrong move and it would be game over. As i slowly carried on absailing down the building i saw a room with a light on. I remember jess saying that she should be the only one in the main building when the studio closed. So.... Why was there a light on?....

"Down there quick! FIRE!" 

I looked up to see a tranqualizer gun being pointed at me from the top floor. The agents obviously barged through the door and saw the window open. I was now on about the 80th floor. With a gun pointed at me.



Niall p.o.v

I was so thankfull for these mystery girls coming to save us. Right now I was sneaking around with harry and karolina trying to find the other guys. Someone told karolina that they had found Louis, so we just needed to find zayn and liam. But so far we wasn't having much luck. Karolina and harry had told me about the 6 girls that were on this mission but only 4 of them were in the building.

I just hope the other girls are having more luck....


Kim p.o.v

I opened my eyes and realized everything was upside down. Where was I? I looked around and realized I was still hanging from the building!! I then looked up and the agents were gone. They must have shot me with a tranqualizer gun. I then remembered the room with a light on...

Time to investigate...

I jumped off of the wall and straight into the window. Now that was skill! I was feeling pretty proud of myself as I dived thought the window and landed perfectly. I looked around the room. The lights were pretty faded and I couldn't see in the corners very well because it was too dark. It was completely empty. So I walked over to the door to see what floor I was on. I saw a sign on a wall outside the door that said floor 76. I then heard shuffling behind me...

"Are you here to help me?" it sounded like a boys voice.

"Yeah, you can come out..." I said softly as a figure walked out of the shadows...


"Omg liam it's you!" I shouted maybe a little too loudly.

"Yeah, do you mind telling me why me and the bo- Hang on. WHERE ARE THE BOYS? ARE THEY ALIVE??!" Liam shouted frantically.

"Shhh, yeah, well I'm not sure I've lost my fellow agents and I have no idea where any of them are..." i said trailing off. It made me sad that the only people who cared about me and who accepted me could be in danger.

"Now we better get going before somebody finds us!" I said dragging liam out the door and into the nearby elevator. Crap!! I remembered jess has to use the finger scanner to get into the underground base. I needed to hot wire the lift. After switching a few of the wires over I managed to get the lift working...

Down to the underground lab...


Harry p.o.v

We; me, niall and karolina we currently searching through rooms and down corridors.  All of which were empty...


That sounded like the elevator. Who would be using the elevator at this time? Karolina must have heard it to, as she dragged me and niall into a nearby, empty room. We watched to see who walked out of the lift...

Kim and Liam!

I watched as karolina sprinted over to Kim and attacked her with a hug. Me and niall did the same with liam.

" Thank god your alive, right jess has found kayti and Louis, now all we need to do is find zayn and get out of here... Oh yeah and we only have 1 hour and 47 minutes!" karolina informed Kim looking at her designer watch.

"What? Why?" Kim asked, extremely confused.

"SKULL are coming to collect the boys so we need to hurry up and get out of here, WITH THE BOYS!!" karolina exclaimed.

"Well what are we waiting for then?!? LET'S GO DO THIS SHIT!!"


Sorry for this,  it's boring I know. It will get better.

Thanks for reading this far... CARRY ON!!

Thanks!! xx

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