CH-4 Unexpected!

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Normal POV:

Fairy tail was all fired up (as natsu says) cause of the grand magic games but somewhere in the corner of the guild "When is Laxus-sama coming back"?? grunted Freed, well laxus was on a S-class mission and was going to return yesterday but "Maybe today who kno-" and the guild doors opened "LAXUS".

The thunder god tribe tackled their leader on the floor "HEY! GET YOUR ASSES OFF OF ME" whenall of them got seated on their usual table on the second floor. "So why is the guild soooo............quite" well possibly because THE team natsu and some other destructive members were missing. "Well" evergreen said taking out her fan in front of her mouth "Team natsu and others are training for the grand magic games" 

Laxus's POV:

"Even mira and that drunka- I mean cana left" "Yah they all were pretty excited since if we won we're gonna be Number 1 again." "So where are they training i mean Blondie's team" laxus asked with narrowed eyes, ever since he came back everyone was a little scared of him. So many even didn't talked to him in the starting including Master and team natsu specially but Lucy was the only one to approach him. Not as in really approach but like.....


Laxus was sitting in the guild at the bar early in the morning all by himself with his breakfast. He had his headphones on as always something caught his attention "Ohaiyo Minha" that was lucy she was an early riser unlike her team. He never actually talked to her before "Hey! Mira good morning" "Uh!Good morning lucy, you would like the usual" said the takeover mage with her bright smile "Yes plz" "Ummm....Hey! Morning Laxus" that took him surprise. He looked at her and noticed she was dressed in a crop top, denim shorts and combat boots. "Yah.....Morning blondie" "UHHH your a blond as well you know in case you never noticed" being with team nastu trained lucy to give comebacks,then after taking her milkshake she thanked mira and "See ya later Sparkles~" winking in Laxus's direction giving him one of her famous smiles she turned around and left, at that time laxus was like is she really accepting me after what I did?? But they never actually talked again and it was their longest conversation that lasted a min.

Freed's POV:

That's weird! why would laxus -sama ask about "Lucy-san". Yah one day there was a chess competiotion many participated from each team so did freed, levy and lucy from team natsu in the end Lucy won the competition that impressed freed so. "Well....Lucy-san left with loke somewhere to train" "Yah it was pretty shocking when cheer leader left without her team damn you should have seen their faces" Laughed Bixslow "SAY WHAT, BLONDIE LEFT WITHOUT HER TEAM" when laxus noticed he yelled that out he noticed the colour of his team members turned Pale. Let's just say they didn't except that.

"Well that was  Unexpected"

Now to lucy this ain't a lalu fanfic ya know, well you'll understand why I said this afterwards.

Acnologis's POV:

"Where is she" acnologia is running around the woods looking for lucy cause she wasn't there in the morning and her Lion was also looking for her. *Sneeze* "Hehehehe looks like someone is missing me" Huh! that voice, "What the hell is she doing here................if she goes any further she'll reach my cave" "WOAH! THIS CAVE'S PRETTY BIG AND..........someone's home" lucy face was priceless acnologia couldn't handle his laugh "What is she doing to me first, stalking then hugging..........and now even laughing" acnologia looked as she investigating his bed, inhaling the scent first she stepped back with wide eyes 



























"WOAAAAAAAAH IT'S SOOOOOOOO FLUFFY AND SOFT, WHOEVER LIVES HERE SURE HAS AN AMAZING CHOICE" lucy was rolling on the bed like a kid jumping giggling. "What in the world, what is she five" Acnologia now stood at the entrance of the cave.

"WHO'S THERE"??????? asked a rather giggling blonde.

Well I hope ya guys like it I'll think about the next chapter.

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