CH-11 We're Back

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With that smirk plastered on his face he..................

Lucy's POV:

All of a sudden archer pulled me into his chest holding me tightly around my waist, and damn that armour hurts worse than Erza's. "Archer what the hell do you think your doing"? this didn't even flinch him, only his arm got more tight around my waist and damn he's SOOO CLOSE. But that wasn't the issue gajeel's gonna kill him.

"Archer would you please let go, your way too close" to that archer only smirked wider "YOUR DEAD GOLDY" and gajeel snapped. "Iron Dragon's" wait a min if he's attacking archer and i'm more like 1cm away from him then, "GAJEEL WAIT"


Acnologia's POV:

Tch, damn that woman i can't even go back knowing she's probably waiting for me. Damn it, out of anger acnologia punched a near by tree and it split into 2. But i have to go back what if she tries to escape, No she can't she was freaking bleeding and probably with a wound that big she can't even move. "WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING THINKING ABOUT A CHICK, i kidnapped her for what, AHHHHHHHH..............WAIT A min is that a"



Acnologia was running as fast as possible to get to the cave "Kyaaaaah" He's in with HER! Just as Acnologia got in the cave and ran towards the bed [HE was in his human form all this time]


And the king of dragons with just one blow destroyed the entire cave and waterfall. "I'm gonna find that dragon slayer and when i do I'll Kill him, She only BELONGS TO ME"

Normal POV:

In the out skirts of Magnolia "Damn we went over board again" "If only lucy was here she would have handled us". "For once Stripper is right". "Cheer up both of you, we should have faith in lucy she'll be back any second now". 

"Kyaaaah" "WHAT THE FU-" a huge pile of people were scattered on the ground and a blond man was standing a little space away laughing his ass off. "Damn it, GOLDY BRING IT ON" *SMASH* "HOW DARE YOU FALL ON A LADY LIKE THIS" and at the moment Erza was death pining gajeel to the ground.

"Archer please don't do it again all of a sudden. Ahhhhh my head hurts" ,what is this


"LUCE" "LUCY" (2) "LUSHHHY~" and lucy was tackled to the ground by our very own Team Natsu. With a sobbing Salamander on her stomach, Titania on her shoulder trying to hide her teary eyes while hugging her sister figure, a man without a shirt near her shoulder with his face in her hair to suppress his sobs and a blue fur ball on lucy's chest crying away. After standing up on their feet "LUCE I MISSED YOU" "lucy we weren't able to do anything without you" "LUSHYY NATSU GAVE ME NO FISH" "lucy please don't leave us like this again".

"Man! that was quite a show, Blondie" giving her 'Who are they' look, as he looked towards Team Natsu. "Archer this is my family, guys this is Archer my new spirit".

"This is Er-" "ARCE FIGHT ME" *SMASH* "there that'll keep him quite" "Thanks Erza" "Anyways.....

Archer's POV:

"This is Erza Scarlet, she's a requip mage also the queen of fairies, And this is Gray Fullbuster to my right he's an Ice make mage also the one i trust the most after that idiot also he has a weird stripping habit, That is Natsu Dragneel a fire dragon slayer the one who challenged you to a fight he's my BEST friend and partner"

SO that pink rapid dog is Blondie's bestie huh! maybe i'll fight him after all.

"Then this on my chest is Happy and that is Lily both of them are exceeds and umm *Gulp* you know Gajeel"

Lucy's POV:

And the glaring competition began. "Archer right, I'm Erza" erza drew out a hand but archer just walked right pass her "Blondie, Here" archer gave lucy a key it was a platinum key. "I've been out here all this time on your magic, not mine. Ha to think your this strong Blondie" 'Is he trying to make me feel better' "Call me only when you think things have gone serious and you need a king to fight beside you also if you think your lonely through the night" giving lucy a sly smile he left in golden shimer.

"He wasn't very polite was he?" asked erza sadly "Polite looked like an ass to me" said Gray while findingf his shirt "Looked! he's an asshole,Gihee I'll kick his ass the next time he comes out".

"Come on guys he ain't that bad he's just a bit ummm Rude"!

Back at the guild-:

Mira's POV:

"Master Team Natsu destroyed an entire village while chasing some bandits" "DAMN THEM, THOSE BRATS NEVER LEARN"

But as the guild doors opened "WE'RE BACK WITH LUCE AND SCRAP METAL AND LILY"

"Lu-chan, gajeel and lily" "Love-Rival Gajeel sama" "Lucy, my love" "Loke what the hell" "Cheerleader" "Lucy-san" "Lucy's a MAN" "BRATS IT'S TIME TO CELEBRATE" "yahhhh"

"No master it's you who never learns"

After talking about lucy's new 2 spirits and training, they danced and got drunk and then the famous fairy tail guild bawl "WHAT WAS THAT SCARP METAL" "YOU HEARD IT ASHES FOR BRAIN" and then then bawl included Erza, Mira, Juvia, Elfman, Gray, Freed, Bixslow, Loke? Cana and Lily.

Standing aside near the bar alone lucy smiled at the scene, she was 'Home'

"Welcome Back, Blondie"

Guys tomorrow's my birthday and my winter break starts from tomorrow as well YAHHHHHHH! Hope you guys like chapter and i'll write shortly hopefully. If any ideas then plz give i'll be glad to take them into consideration. Also I probably won't write till 25th SO MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPPPPPPPPPPPPY NEW YEAR! May the next year be a memorable one for you all.

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