CH-8 Missing!??

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Natsu's POV:

Damn Erza sure can be a pain in the ass at times. "Hey! Happy let's go eat" "Aye SIR!". Erza made natsu gray and happy practice more than usual because the days are less for the GMGS to arrive, well let's say she almost killed them by shooting more than thousand arrows at them and telling them to ditch them. Gray went on to practice by himself and so did Erza. "Umm Natsu do u have any money with you" *Depressed* Natsu was sulking in a corner "Now that you mention it!" 

The depressed flying happy landed on natsu's head "I wish Lushy was here" Silence "Me too buddy, me too"      

We're missing u Luce


At the Guild-:

Master's POV:

The guild sure has become quite since all my children left. The biggest surprise was lucy leaving all by herself and LAXUS BEING WORRIED OVER THAT. "You Know talking to yourself ain't nice" said an amusing and childish voice from the balcony "First". "So what's Laxus worried about"??  "I said that out loud didn't I, Huh! anyways the moment Laxus came to know that lucy left on her training alone........he's been acting weird" "Well that's surprising for Laxus to worry about someone like that, especially lucy" 

"I don't see a reason not to worry about it" 

Laxus's POV:

"Laxus sure it isn't bad worrying about someone but you know this that worrying about someone more than usual means something, right! hehehehe" *GLARE* "I know where your headed First and better not I'm just thinking if it's okay for Blondie to be alone" "Laxus isn't that the very defination of lo-" "SHUT IT OLD MAN". "And the council wants to meet you probably those Idiots out there destroyed stuff while TRAINING~"   "DAMN THOSE BRATS" 

I'm kinda missing that Blondie


Gajeel's POV:

Damn it is it morning already. "-up wake up WAKE UP GAJEEL"  huh! "Lily what the hell man!" "Gajeel stop resting we gotta find Lucy"  Lucy!??? "Bunny-Girl" "Let's Go lily do you have any idea what happened" "No! as far as I'm concerned that person took Lucy and then we were knocked out" "HELL I'M GONNA KILL THAT PIECE OF SHIT, IF HE SO EVEN PUTS A SCRATCH ON BUNNY HE'S DEAD I'LL RIP HIM APART" AND let's say gajeel and lily are gonna have a hard time finding Lucy since it ain't a park. And they spent the entire time running around in the large woods."Great now that Bunny has gone Missing".

Hold on Bunny I'm Coming for you

"Hmmm-mmm natsu out of my b-ed bef-ore i kick u ou-t~"

Lucy's POV:

"Nat-su it tic-kles since when did you becom-e so~ "

"huh!" lucy opened her eyes and there was a soft black feathery blanket kinda thing around her".  "What the hell, WHERE AM I?? HOLY SHIT I WAS KIDNAPPED GAJEEL LILY WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?? stupid lucy ofc it's obvious they aren't here". When Lucy calmed down she noticed she was in a cave and she was on a bed?

"UMMMMMMM am i Dreaming"??

"Soo looks like your finally awake" *Smirk*.

Hey! guys so how was it! They finally meet , I'll write the next chapter sooner than this so hang on............................well if any requests for any story or any other idea for the story I'll be glad to hear it out. Well till then, see ya guys!

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