CH-7 Friends or Enemies!??

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Lucy's POV:

"WAIT! Thoth stop i know him" lucy came in front of the man when "Lucy" a black ball hit her on the head "Lily! how are you,it's been a while since we last met" asked a rather cheerful blonde. "So i see ya made new frnds eh! Bunny Girl" said the Iron dragon slayer of fairy tail, glaring at the unknown man next to his guild mate. "It's nice to see you too, Gajeel" "Gihi, same Bunny Girl"

Lily's POV:

"So lucy who is he, i mean i don't mean to offend anyone but gajeel seems a bit umm-" "Nervous" said the amused Spirit "Cautious" growled the Iron dragon slayer. "Well, let me start this........Thoth this is my guild mate and Friend Gajeel and that is Pantherlily his patner, And gajeel this is my new spirit Thoth" Gajeel and Lily's face was priceless thoth was able to hold his laughter but lucy "HAHAHAHAAAHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHHH LO-OOK A-AT YOUR FA-CE" that was their cue to snap out of it, "Gihi! funny am I Bunny-Girl i guess when you return back to the guild your bunny dance will be more amusing" at this Lily smirked and unknown to Thoth a smile crept up to his face seeing them interact.

Lucy's POV:

"So he's a new spirit eh! Lucy" "Yup! and let me tell you he's really strong and wise ofc" at this Thoth smirked at the blonde impressed by his introduction from Lucy but maybe his smirk just got "Oee, what are smirking at Idi-" "Miss Lucy, here" Thoth handed over a platinum key to lucy " this your key Thoth" "Yes Miss lucy as for the contract the moment to call upon a platinum key's spirit the contract is made, if your not able to call upon the spirit that means that the spirit doesn't wants to make a contract" "So how did you get here I need to know, also why you called yourself my Guardian" "That would be some time else, it's time for me to go..........I'm honored to have you as my Master, Miss Lucy" and he vanished before glaring at Gajeel and getting the same glare back at him. 'I don't expect them both to be Friends but I don't want them to be Enemies either'.

Gajeel's POV:

"Well, that a pain in the ass, anyways wacha doing here all by yourself Bunny-Girl"? "Huh! oh well Training" at this lily perked up "Training you say Lucy! and ummmm i don't mean to be straight forward and all but i'm really curious about your new spirits". From the moment that weird looking guy had been here gajeel could sense some weird magic, one radiating from him when he was here and now from those keys. "Yah! Bunny-Girl I'm curious as well, wanna know if they are capable of a good fight" "Well then do you want me to make a contract with them"? "YAH"

??? POV:

Where is she..........

How could i lose track of her...............

No, stop it why are you looking for her........

But she's different from those other humans........

Why am I so attracted towards her........

Do I have fe...........


So when i get her..........I'll Kill Her!!!

Well guys this was not interesting telling the truth but i'm thinking about the next one so if any ideas PLZ PLZ PLZ long till then! 

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