CH-10 "Trust"

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Normal POV:

After the party as the fairies made their way home, "Say Laxus why're soo down" the queen of fairies asked as she took a seat beside the strongest male S-Class mage of fairy tail at the bar. "I don't know what your talking about Titania" Slamming a drink on the table the She-Devil answered "Oh! it's nothing Erza Laxus is just worried about Lucy, is all". As if it was the end of this world the great Laxus dreyer blushed, the queen of fairies Erza scarlet went pale and started sweating and the our sweetest she-devil Mirajane Strauss smiled wickedly.

"Stop talking nonsense dev-" laxus wasn't able to finish his sentence as a sword drew out on his throat. "Laxus, tell me about your intentions about Lucy" as if the word 'Lucy' was a magnet. "What about Luce"??? "What are you talking about lucy, i know she's fat" "Shut it fur ball, Mira what is it i'm as curious as Flamebrain over here".

Mira's POV:

"Oh! nothing Laxus was jus-" striking a lightning bolt on the table and throwing away erza's sword he spoke up "I was just wondering, why would you all agree to let Blondie train alone". Oh laxus you shouldn't have said that. "Laxus i don't care what you think or wonder, Lucy is the strongest celestial mage i've ever met or will. She has what it takes to become the strongest, we all know it and so we all trust her". And as on cue Team Natsu left.

"I trust Blondie as well Titania, It's the world i don't trust anymore".

Gajeel's POV:

"Damn it Lily, this is it i give up........WHERE THE HELL DID BUNNY VANISHED" still running in the forest after flying for 2 hrs from Lily's help. "Gajeel" "WHERE COULD SHE BE" "Umm Gajeel" "WHERE" "GAJEEL" "WHAT" pointing up towards a waterfall gajeel was about to punch lily, when he noticed a cave.

"ATTA boy, lily she has to be up there probably i can't smell her because of the water".

Lily's POV:

Damn the cave was higher than it looked "Okay! Lily be on your guard" as we walked towards the darkness "Lily i can smell her, it's Bunny" and they started running towards 'them'??

Lucy's POV:

Ever since he left, all i'm doing is crying. I don't even know his name *SNIF* Damn it really all i can do is "Crying". But damn how long could it possibly take to get something to eat.

"Now now! that's not something i was expecting"


"Damn your noisy woman" looking up to see who it was cause it wasn't her kidnapper. Check out on the top that's him. 'Damn' "Ummm excuse me but who are you, I'm Lucy Heartfilia it's nice to meet you". For sometime he kept glaring at me, then with a smirk "When you'll prove yourself worthy enough, you can call me by my name, Blondie" As if I'll let this happen "Look Mr. I've already got someone calling me blondie even though he's one, so you don't even dare".


"What" "Tch! call me 'archer' for the time being, that's my code name".

Archer's POV:

I can feel her potential, but it needs training and motive. "Say! blondie~ how come your not with your family". "H-how do you know" looking up at me in the eyes with those puffy red chocolaty eyes , what does she expect to gain 'Sympathy'. "You know i can use teleportation, if your lost that is". Why am i telling her this, why do i care i'm the king of heros i can do whatever i want.

As if it was something so big to make the 'King of Heros' blush. Lucy is happiness hugged the blond man "What the hell do you think your doing, woman"?


Lucy's POV:

Just the moment i hugged archer, i couldn't believe it "GAJEEL LILY" I RAN TOWARDS THEM AND GAVE THEM A BONE CRUSHING HUG. "I-I'm so glad to s-ee you g-guys here" "YAH! we too bu-t we ca-n't br-eathe". "OOPS" I'm just so happy to see someone from my family.

Lily's POV:

I couldn't believe it a second ago we were rejoicing and now a blond man was standing between lucy and gajeel glaring at him. "Stay away from Blondie, you rapid dog" "Gihee, you looking for a fight Goldy fish cause you better stay away from bunny".

"Gajeel stop! He's one of my spirits i suppose and archer you stop it too, Gajeel is my guildmate and friend" "Gajeel" i placed a hand on his shoulder "If lucy trusts him, you should be okay around him then".

Gajeel's POV:

As lily said that bunny trusts him a smirk formed on his shit face. "Tch!Whatever" "Now, archer if it's not too much problem could you teleport all of us out of this forest, please".

With that smug smirk still plastered on his face he...................................

Hey! guys it was long ig hope you like tho, thnx for all the reads and likes. Also there is one more chapter after this, i wrote 2 chapters today! Gihee! So how was it???

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