CH-15 Start of the new Adventure

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Normal POV:

"All the best, Gray-Sama~"

Today was the day that the FT's most destructive team will be leaving for the Grand Magic Games. Most of the members gathered on the station to wish them luck whereas the others were at the guild. "You'll do good Wendy have faith in yourself" smiled the eldest strauss sibling reassuring the youngest dragon slayer while patting her head. "Yes! I won't bring anyone down".

"Erza, you'll have to look after them okay! and make sure you don't cause any destruction while your away" instructed the master to the scarlet head, "Yes! I'll keep a sharp eye on them". "Gray-Sama~ Juvia will cheer you on and eventually you'll do AMAZING. So there's no need to worry" cried the water mage while hugging her love on the other side Gray was far more concerned on pushing her away, "LISANNA GIMME A HAND HERE"

"Lu-chan~ ALL THE BEST though i know that your far more strong now and with your new spirits, you can kick anyone's ass" "Awwww~ thanks Levy-chan i promise i'll win each and every tournament" and the bestie moment would have carried on if it weren't for 3 dragon slayers.

Levy felt like she was being lifted, turning around she came face to face with the iron dragon slayer of FT. "That's enough shrimp, lemme to talk to Bunny here will ya" "Huhhhhhhhh but i didn't even started talking to her yet". 'They both look cute together'

"Your really something interesting, blondie" someone whispered huskily in lucy's ear making her shiver and letting out an 'epp' "L-Laxus"

Lucy's POV:

Lucy knew she saw blond hair following them when they all came to the station but never thought that Laxus would atu- "Hey! Blossom" her attention was now directed to the approaching dragon slayer. Now both the dragon slayers stood in front of her both smiling in a different way from the other, Laxus's smile held amusement and a bit of friendliness whereas "Blossom really that's a cute name" teased the S-Class mage while smirking at the now flustered blond. "Yah....well he ummm.......Nigel i told you not me that" tilting his face to the side the newbie gave lucy a small smile "But i like that name, plus you told me not call you 'Luce' since Flame head does. So i guess it's okay if i call you 'Blossom' right"

Lucy couldn't be anymore embarrassed she felt as if Loke was chuckling on the other side. But as an Angel her team mate appeared out of nowhere, "Luce! com on we gotta go" grinned her best friend along with the "Aye sir"! Happy.

Normal POV:

He was right Team Natsu was aboard and Lucy and Natsu were the only ones left. "Sure"!

Holding her left hand natsu started walking away when she turned around waving with her right hand and gave her famous Lucy Grin to the three dragon slayers, who were looking at her with such warmth that she couldn't help but think 'these dragon slayers...' a warm smile spreading on her face.

"ALL ABOARDDD" natsu walked in with a grin and excitement it was until he noticed that lucy wasn't there he frowned and came back, and there she stood and the entrance looking down at the floor. "Lu-" "Natsu i'm just nervous what if i don't..."

Seeing her hand lifted by her best friend in his she looked into his onyx eyes "Com on Luce let's go on a new adventure" and he gave his team mate his toothy grin 'Without Luce there's No team Natsu' smiling up to him squeezing his hand

"What more could i ask for"

Wendy's POV:

Lucy-san and natsu-san were the last ones to enter, while holding hands and smiling at each other 'They are the ones who complete Team natsu, with their trust,courage and friendship'

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