CH-17 "All the best"

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"Well would you look at that someone's being more polite and human than usual ain't that right Jellal Fernandes"  

Normal POV:

If it weren't for Jellal Lucy sure would have collapsed, meeting so many powerful wizards all together! "Jura-san, it's been a while" lucy smiled brightly at the wizard saint, "It sure has been Lucy-dono" he said softly while placing his hand forward for a handshake. Jellal watched calmly though he was tensed how does this man know about him. Turning towards the heavenly mage he spoke in a calm tone "I see you have made it out of the pris-" "Jura-san" Jura was cut off by lucy who now stood in front of Jellal like a barrier, "I would request you to please address Mystogan over-here as a mage of Fairy Tail and not Siergen who was once in the magic council".

Lucy spoke with such determination and purity that Jura could no longer doubt it 'These fairies sure are something' "Of-course Lucy-dono i didn't knew that i was being rude i would see to it that i don't make this mistake again" and with one last smile to both the young mages he returned back to his team. lucy knew that all the wizards saints had knowledge about the 'tower of heaven' incident and that who was involved and why and also about the edolos part but it was surprising coming from Jura.

Lucy's POV:

All lucy could do was blankly stare at the space in front of her until Jellal placed his hand on her shoulder "Lucy thank you for your assistance if it weren't for you i would have sure blown my cover" and as expected of lucy she pumped her fist up in the air breaking her smile into a full blown grin, "Anything for my friends"       'friends!!'

A muscular arm was wrapped around lucy's shoulder currently stopping lucy and jellal's mini talk "Looks like your making new friends eh! Blondie" *sweat drop* "Hey! Laxus" standing up to his full height he then bent down to meet lucy's height, she hated it when he did this. "Tell me blondie do you think you can win against me" placing a finger on her chin lucy closed her eyes then laughed "HAHAHAHAH isn't it hahahah obvious haha that'll i'll wi hahaha win". 

Laxus didn't looked fazed about a bit but jellal well he looked like he would laugh out any moment now, god he thanked for his mask. "We-"

"All the participants assemble on the arena the first battle is about to take place" 

Normal POV:

It was her cue lucy walked off to her team when Laxus yelled back "All the best Blondie" looking over her shoulder she was a smirking laxus which meant 'I swear you'll regret it' and a waving jellal 'All the best lucy and thank you' it wasn't that difficult to read. 

All the teams were ready for their first assignment (Guys i'm not gonna announce the names of the competitions okay and some more stuff but i'll get the outline) and so for the first competition the participants were -:









in short-:

the match didn't last that long as Juvia Gray and Lyon were took out by nullpudding and then rufus took out everyone else.

Gray was beyond pissed, and heartbroken that he couldn't earn a single point for his team. Juvia though tried to comfort him but knew at that moment that he wanted to be alone. Natsu even told him that he can punch him to feel better which offer he took up, Erza being erza just blanked at the situation Elfman cheered him up for the next match and something about 'Man' Lucy hugged Gray and told him she's gonna kick some ass for him that of-course earned her a small smile but she was re-assured when gray cheered her the loudest for her fight.......

"All the best LUCE/LUCY"

"The next match will be against Flare from Raven Tail and Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail" 

"Blondie, your going down"

"For fairy tail"

oKAY that was short but i'll write one tomorrow as well promise, i hope u find this chapter okay! it was a bit boring, but not the next one cause NIGEL'S COMING.......SEE YA GUYS.

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