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This was it. This was the day Yamguchi told himself. Yachi had been their manager for a few months, and everything she had done took his breath away. Even from the very beginning, the very moment his eyes saw her tiny fragile stature, he feel in love with her, her shyness, her eyes, the way her cheeks tinged with pink ever so slightly.

Yamaguchi could keep his composure slightly around her, but only long enough to get his water bottle or towel, maybe even long enough for her and him to exchange a few words. Her hair bouncing when she jumped of surprise felt like an arrow had been shot through him. He spent his time laying in his bed blushing like mad, getting called an idiot when he was around his best friend.

It would all be worth it today when he let his feelings out and told her.

"It would be alright" Yamatuchi whispered to himself as he watched Yachi exchange happy smiles to Hinata and a glaring Kageyama. Mainly, Hinata however, there was something in her eyes that wasn't when she looked his way.

"It's nothing..just manager and team mate love."


"Yeah, they are just friends,

Hinata-kun is..


to focused on volleyball to think of love" Yamaguchi said to no one but himself.


It was a long grueling practice; specially because Yamaguchi couldn't think straight. Yamaguchi was missing all of his tosses, messing up, getting hit in the face with stray balls, and even one's that were meant for him. Yamaguchi sat on the bench alone and breathed heavily out; until Yachi sat down next to him. Yachi gave him the sweetest smile as she touched his face ever so gently, making sure she didn't hurt his stinging red face.

"Yachi-san!" He said as he jumped at the sweet touch.

She subsequently jumped as well.

"So-so-sorry Yamaguchi-kun, I was- I was just trying to be a good manager"

"No no Yachi-san its ok you can-"

Being broken off by Hinata was worse than the realization of a ball coming towards your face.


"Oh, Hinata no I didn't but next time for sure"

she said as her whole face lit up at the exchange the two were having.

"I was like FWAMP, you know becuase Kagemama was so-"


"Haha Hinata-kun that's-"


"Yachi-chan, but what about that one thing with the SWAPHF-"


"Mhh Hmm yeah, its totally like PA BAM"

This is hurting more than the ball to the face.

"Hahah bye Hinata-kun go back on court"

"Bye Yachi san, please watch me this time"

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