hinayachi| growth

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Paring: Hinata x Yachi (small bit of kageyachi)
Word Count: 1,672
Rating: E for everyone

Yachi didn't have to try too hard at just about any big brian activity you name. Studying? She spent half of her freetime a slave to her books. Chess? She taught kids how to play chess at summer camp every year. Coding? Her mother taught her how to code when she was in her second year of primary school. Her achilles heel, however, was matters of the physical realm. She wasn't unhealthy by any means, but her tiny legs could never keep up with everyone else in the mile they ran and she ended up near dead last. Next to the sweet boy in her class who had a heart condition, him and Yachi got very acquainted.

She had never really fathomed that she would be the manager of a volleyball club when she herself can't do many physical activities. Yet, here she was admiring her boys as they jumped and dove for balls flying at, at least sixty miles per hour.

"Yet another amazing match Hinata-kun!" She praised her carrot top.

"Thank you Yacchan! Your words inspire me." Hinata responded with a firm tug on his shirt where his heart is.

"Shut up idiot you are so dramatic." Kageyama jabbed at the smaller one before taking a long swig of his water.

"You're just as amazing Kageyama-kun!"

His whole face went redder than Tendou's hair. "T-t-thank you.." Hinata snickered.

"Since when did you have a stutter?"

"Shut up before I put you in the trash!" Yachi began to sweat as the argument escalated. Somehow their mothers came into the argument.

"Both of you shut up! Or I'll bench you!" Daichi called from his third year gossip circle he had formed with Suga and Kiyoko.

"This ain't over!"

"Seems like it is." He watched Kageyama walk off pissed as per usual before he turned back to Yachi, she was looking down at her hands and feet. A almost somber look had adorn her cute features. Hinata couldn't help but feel the aching pulse in his heart as he looked over the smaller girl. Somber did not look good on his sunflower.

"Yacchan, what's wrong?" He said with a small cock of his head.

Yachi seemed to have been pulled out of the deep abyss of her thoughts before she gave him a small wry smile. "Nothin..."
She sure was a godawful liar. Hinata decided he'd let it go anyway.
Even if he did drop it in the moment, he couldn't help himself from re playing and re playing that moment in his head over and over. She looked, almost dejected. Like she had failed at something. Yachi never failed at anything she did, she was amazing! She was beautiful, a model student, kind, her dainty body was perfect for...spooning.
He stopped his train of thoughts with a firm smack to his cheeks in the middle of the hallway. Ignoring the several students who stopped to give him a concerned look. Many kids in Karasuno had observed the shrimps weird antics.

For a long time he had known he had a crush on her, but now of all the times was not the time to be daydreaming about her! He was being selfish! Yachi was in real pain and all he could think about was holding her body close to his like pervert! Taking a giant breath he began to ponder to himself just what could be bugging the girl. Could it be a boy? Was a boy harassing her? Just the thought of some big guy cornering her and towering over her made his blood pressure go up. He would get Kageyama and Yamaguchi to show that boy what it feels like to be afraid! How could someone pick on someone so sweet! He shot straight up out of his seat before settling back in and forcing himself to re think what he was about to act out. He didn't know all the facts. What was he supposed to do? Search the halls for some mystery boy he wasn't sure even existed? Tell Yama and Kags that someone was harassing Yachi and he knew because he had a hunch. Not likely.
He moved on to the possibility that maybe she was depressed. He knew she had anxiety, but depression was very common amongst those with anxiety. That could just as easily be what it was! He nodded his head and decided to look up how to help friends with anxiety when he got home. He took out his notebook and began to write down his theories and why he had them.

Two weeks had gone by and he had at least forty theories with no proof, and dead ends. He sighed, he wasn't gonna be able to help Yachi by sneaking around and taking notes on her! He needed direct action! Fourteen days of the guessing game and he decided he had enough, he was going to present her with all his facts and ask her straight out what was happening.
He had arrived at her classroom and questioned all the members of the class, only to get the same frustrating answer from all of them. "Haven't seen her" "I don't know you spend more time with her" "who are you again?" That last one stung especially, and he found it quite unnecessary. Feeling dejected, he decided to search every spot that she frequented. The library, the trees outside of the school yard, the roof for some reason he was feeling, shoujo. Still no results! Even still, he persisted. The last spot he decided, was his last ditch effort, the most unlikely of all the spots where she would be. The gym. She had no reason to be in there after all, practice wasn't in session and, why else would she be in there after all?

He slid the door open with a harsh shove already half rolling his eyes before shutting his lids and taking a step back. Before him, was very sweaty Yachi, hands on her knees and bent over hyperventilating. It was kind of a nice sight to see. He would come back to that thought later.

"What- what are you doing?" He asked, with genuine confusion scrawled all over his face. Yachi jumped up at the intrusion of her exercising.

"I-I'm I uh, well you see.." She began to fumble on her words and fiddle with her fingers. "Well, I uh, I was just.." Hinata began to step into the gym and make his way towards the smaller girl. Only after stepping in did he get a bigger picture.
"Yacchan? Are you...practicing volleyball?" The look they gave each other a look of clumsy understanding was a rare one.

"I just... wanna be more like you and Kageyama..."

"But, you're perfect the way you are." His words touched her, but she moved to look away from her friend.
"I knew you and everyone would say sweet things like that... And I am thankful! So thankful for your kindness... but I don't wanna stay the same forever. I wanna grow, I'm sick of just always being deadlast in gym class, sick of being small and frail. I just... don't wanna be me anymore."

"First off, don't say that about yourself Yacchan." He stopped what he was saying to go for her wrists, wrapping his fingers around it gingerly to establish empathy. "You can grow, it's perfectly normal to want to grow and change, but please, don't degrade who you are now. Because who you are now, is...is amazing. Way amazing! Way more amazing than me and Kageyama, we just hit balls around but you... You never stop supporting us, whether it be coming to our games and helping set up tear down. You have the highest grades in class, and are generous enough to entertain stupid boys like me and Kageyama...How can you not like yourself Yachi..."

She fiddled with her fingers once more before she spoke. "Thank you..." Her voice came out as a meer quiver. She clenched her fists and tried to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over. "I should have come to you for help...I was just embarrassed." She waited for a reply that would never come, taking her hair and pushing it past her ears. She mustered enough courage to look up and see he was holding the ball in front of him. A silent "let's do this, together." She nodded and held out her arms.

The whole team found out about Hinata's private lessons with Yachi and soon decided that they wouldn't be private anymore.
"Come on Yachi! That's it! Dive!"
"You're gonna make her scrape her cute lil knees! Don't tell her to dive!"
Hinata put his hands on his hips and gave a small sigh at the sight of Nishinoya, Kageyama, and Tanaka all trying to guide her body with their words. While on the other side of the court Daichi, Tsukishima and Suga were telling her tactics, and Enoshita was tossing the balls softly. All in all it was a team effort for the precious manager. It was a beautiful sight.

As happy as he was that she was getting more help and support from everyone. A small bit of him was saddened that his alone time with her was taken away. As selfish as it was, as dumb as it was, he missed it all the same. You see whatever small feelings he had for her before only intensified. With each and every time she missed, each time she hit, all the times he would walk her tired self home; he couldn't help but fall for her. Be it out of pure cowardice, or being to young he kept his feelings to himself.

"She does have quite a way to go." Yamaguchi whispered to no one but himself, really.

Hinata looked up proudly at the sunflower child before stating. "Even so, trying her best even if she's bad at it is.." He trailed off to think before he spoke for once. "better than being great at hiding things."

A/N: from tumblr requested by tangiblebliss gone-daddy-gone

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2020 ⏰

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