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the very tall, very sweet and currently frustrated setter was sitting at his computer. clicking away on answers. if you asked if he was confident in his decisions he'd give you a small smile with a quick "nope". all this entrance exam nonsense was driving him up the wall. the more he tried to make sense and force himself to plow through, the worse it got. he began to tug at his thin silver hair.

"i don't even know what that words means!"

"shouting won't make it better need i remind you."

there she was, in all her beautiful glory. she was in suga's jersey and nothing else. in her elegant hands where two cups of coffee one for her, and one for him. she didn't have as much trouble as her boyfriend did with the entrance exams, and had already finished it a long time ago. walking over in slow long strides she kissed her boyfriend on top of his head as she set down the coffee. throwing her arms over him in an effort to calm him down. suga relaxed, and put the rough palms of his hands to her forearms. giving them a soft rub with both his thumbs.

"i know." he muttered. "i just need to get this shit done or i'm fucked for the rest of my life."

"it will not be for the rest of your life."

she was right and he knew it too. but there was nothing he could do but panic. he had studied hard in school, has got an early start on his exams, yet here was; pulling his hair out. eyes stuck to the keyboard he moved one hand to type 32.

"it's thirty three baby."


"why don't we take a break? you'll feel much better i promise you."

the guilt of not being done and being ready was weighing heavy on him. he must look like a goon, an absolute goon. she was beautiful, intelligent, kind, a bangin body. she could have anybody. and here she was helping out a goon. dating a worthless goon. pushing his insecurities aside, and nuzzling into the crock of her arm.

"i suppose you are right."

"of course i am."
jolting upright with a small smile, his girlfriends bluntness never ceased to amaze him. she retracted her arms to go put herself into some real clothes. knowing his girlfriend well he yelled.

"can i watch?"

"get dressed before i change my mind."

"yes ma'am."

suga threw on some jeans with holes at the knees, dawning on a sweat shirt and a beanie to cover up his balding spots. he looked himself in the mirror. i'm turning pale. he poked at the growing bags in his eyes. god i look disgusting. his thoughts were interrupted by kiyoko knocking on the frame of the door. beautiful. she was wearing his favorite dress she had. at her feet were the flats he bought her for christmas, to go with a different outfit but they were universal really. around her thin neck was her mother necklace that reached just above her cleavage. he sighed taking her in.

"how did i get so lucky?"

"maybe you were a monk in a past life."

the two of them headed out of the small apartment. it wasn't much, but it was what they could come up with together. kiyoko worked as a waitress, and she got a lot of tips. sugawara got a simplistic job as a
coach. he loved his job but it didn't pay much.

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