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"Even though it was long, I'm still caught up in the under tow."

At first, Yachi didn't think she would get as close as she did to the boys. Especially not Tsukishima, he was tall, had a deep voice, a scowell that could make grown men whimper. And, on top of all that; he was just plain outright sadistic. However, something got her, maybe it was the similar hair? No. They were both implacably smart in comparison to certain idiots? No, that's not it either. Yachi clawed around in her brain for an answer.

"He's so different than me. That's why." The young blonde female uttered to herself.

She sat and thought about how it all started. She felt bad for him being alone when Yamaguchi wasn't there. Knowing him a little already from practice, she decided to strike up a conversation.

"Hey...um...you did...really well on your project..." The small blonde gave a smile. Tsukishima removed his headphones to look up at her; which was a first.

"Oh. Thanks Yachi." And with that. Yachi left feeling very pleased at her encounter with him.

This slowly continued on. Just little interactions. Nothing to big. Till one day, Yachi did something...a little goofy. Even for her.

She painted on Tsukisimas face. And not just a little heart or smiley. No. That wasn't good enough to soften he's aggressive features. She had to give him kitten whiskers and a nose.


Once again removing his headphones to reply.


"Can I...draw on your face?"

He stared at her in disbelief before uttering.

"Go ahead."
To which, the little blonde actually did. He took his phone out to look at what he looked like. And kinda smiled and nodded.

"Make sure to advertise for me."

He chuckled. "Oh I will."

Looking back now, the way he looked into my eyes. It felt the way you see boys look at girls in the movies. With a slight blush protruding on his cheeks.

"And the waves come crashing over me, cause I'm caught up in who I couldn't be."

It was definalty. A flirtationship. But lowkey. Yachi thought nothing of it when he asked for her info. He was trying to be her friend. Yachi of course was kinda shocked. But they exchanged info. Small talk; nothing to serious. At first. Just talks of his brother, Yachi of her mom. How close Yamaguchi and him really were, inside jokes formed. They lightly teased each other. For once in her life Yachi didn't mind; and for once, she could jab back.

"Haha...oh man...its so late." Yachi looked at the clock and it was 3:45 in the morning. Yachi uttered to a sleeping, it woke him. Tsukishima noticed to.

"Yeah...but...this is nice." Yachi felt a small flutter in her heart.

"Yeah it kind is is."

How do we get along so well. I think...I just might...

Oh man. She's soooo cute. No wonder Yamaguchi likes her.

He grumbled and furrowed his eyebrows.

That's why she's off limits.

That's when he started acting different. And oh man. It hurt. After everything they told each other...this is what happens. Yachi even cried. It hurt sometimes when he was mean...b-but he is so nice most of the time. Maybe I am...just not good enough?..after all...who would love a mess like me?

Message from Yachi Hitoka 💛

Tsukishima looked down at his phone and ignored her. This is what's best.

"Cause whatchu want, and whatchu need, is a man that I could never be."

"Maybe if you weren't so short I could have seen you there." Tsukishima barked at the small blonde after he knocked her down.


"Stop calling me that."

"I was just..."

"I don't care about the stupid uniforms."

"Its not-"


Yachi's face began to contort to one of fear and sadness.

"Now. Move."

Yachi crawled out of his way. He was so cruel. So so very cruel. What had happened? How can you go from being so sweet to so vicious so quick? It was unreal, it was too painful to be true. Yachi knew she deserved it. To be treated like this. Who would love me anyway?

"cause what you want and what you need" Tsukishima whispered as he walked away.

He turned around at the end of the hallway, as a crowd of kids stood around Yachi. Beside her was Yamaguchi, helping her to her feet. His long delicate fingers wrapped around her arm perfectly. Her eyes were glistening, indicating she was going to cry. It hurt to see her like that, as much as he hated to admit that he cared about someone besides himself. Kei cared so deeply for Yachi. But he decided what was best for Yachi, long ago. Really it was for the best. He was cruel, a smart ass, and was so indifferent to the world. Yamaguchi was just the opposite. He was kind, compassionate, he gave everything his all. He deserved to be happy, and so did Yachi.

"is anyone but me"

A/N: HELLLOOO HELLO HELLO i've had this in my drafts for well over three years and it feels great to finally have finished it. hope you all are doing well and as always, please request!
OH and the italicization part are from a song called "Any one but me" by Black Bear and ft Mike Posner. Listen to it if you want the full effect of feels.

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