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childhood friends turned lovers was a trope that never came true. at least that's what yui believed deep down. so far down. she tried to hide her feelings for daichi, but it didn't work very well. everyone knew. her volleyball team, his volleyball team, teachers, members of other volleyball teams, the janitor, the class turtle. you get it, it wasn't hard to figure out.

she had loved him since they were eight years old, when they were on a park bench together.

when they had met she was watching daichi play volleyball with some middle schoolers. they were pretty big too, not that daichi was small, he's always been a big kid. it wasn't just that they were big it was that they knew so much more strategy than he did. even so, there he was fighting with all he had. he learned to watch them and adapt their moves, and counter attack. he was everything she wanted to be and more.

when the game was over he sat down next to her, dripping sweat. was he dehydrated?

"here, would you like some water?"

he paused at the question, looking intently at the bottle before grabbing it eagerly.

"thank you so much! hi my names daichi, what's yours?"

"it's yui."

her face heated up. hey now calm down.

"you play volleyball then?"

"yup! it's my passion."

this kid is eight years old, what does he know about passion? "oh really? i play it too."

"no way! what position!?"

the two began to talk about the sport. yui much less enthusiastic as her new friend. she couldn't help but admire him for being so "passionate". the burning twinkle in his eye as he went on about plays. he knew almost everything there was to know from rules, to plays, to the history. he was astounding.

"of course i still have a lot to learn. you probably saw out there"

yui paused, taken back a bit. how could he say such doubtful things about himself?
"t-that's not true at all! you can't see yourself. i saw you, i saw your passion and your drive. i saw you figure out their next moves. yes you could improve, b-but everyone does. you're a natural! i saw it, i-i saw it all. i saw you." she whispered the last part

how peculiar was this girl? "oh. well, thank you. no one...no one has ever said anything like that-"


oh crap! mom!

"i-i'm sorry i have to go before my mom chews me out. it was nice meeting you!" he smiled a big tooth grin before out stretching his hand. yui looked up at him, this must be what excellence looks like! she took it in hers, sealing the contract of friendship.

"you too!"

now cut forward when they were in high school. daichi was holding up the certain victory charm yui had made him and holding back tears.

"that's my best friiiieeeenddd!!!!!" she hollered at the top of her lungs from the stands. she was bawling. her eyes were puffy and her nose was like a faucet. but she didn't care, she never cared less about what she looked like. she had never been more proud of him. he did it! he really did it! i knew he could!

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