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Hinata and Yachi had been together for a few months now, but Hinata was sure it was the best few months of his life. Phone calls every night till one passed out. Snapchat selfies, those were Hinata's favorite. He would screenshot and tell her how beautiful she was.

Since Hinata and Yachi had been dating Yachi had finally gained some much needed and deserved confidence. She began to post her art work online making a name for herself. She had almost 1,000 followers on her Instagram. Hinata could not be any more proud and happy for his precious girlfriend.


there was,

one thing.

Since she was so popular she started to get more friends. Which is good! Friends are always good! But there was one friend, that really really made Hinata feel itchy. His name was John, he was from Europe. Laddie daddie da. She would call him a lot over Skype. And she would text him all the time even though there was a time zone difference.  She would tell him things they said, and wouldn't pick up on him being; annoyed.

What's so special about John, anyway. So he had hazel eyes, and nice hair. Had a lot of artistic talent from what Yachi showed him. He may have been tall, and, looked like he could fight for the small Yachi...but...but so what! Hinata had things that were good about him...his hair was unique. He had...ya know...talent with volleyball. And, stuff.


"Yes Hinata?

"What are you doing?"

They were on the couch at Hinata's place. Yachi had her feet and legs in Hinata's lap; whilst she was on the phone.

"Hmm? Oh nothing, just texting John."

Hinata grumbled and rolled his eyes.

"Of, course you are."

Yachi, picking up on the tone and remained calm. She pout her lip a bit

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing Yachi, nothing."

Yachi deep sighed putting her phone down. She reached her small hands to his.

"Common now, talk to me."

Hinata rubbed his thumb on the back of her dainty hand hand.

"Its just...you're always talking to John."

Yachi a bit taken back, said.

"Well, not really-"

"Yes really! All the time, we go out, your phone lights up. We stay in, whom is calling? Oh yeah, John."

"Ok so maybe we do talk a lot. I just...I don't see what you're getting at Hinata.

"Nothing its stupid."

"Hinata, please."

Hinata looked down at her hands. The hands he have kissed and held for so long.

Yachi looked at her ginger boy friend, he was so precious to her. She loved him since she first met him, the thought of him hurting and him not telling her hurt. She placed his hands to her mouth and gave them a small kiss.


"I just...I was just getting worried...he has your attention so much. I feel like sometimes you like him more than me. I mean, what's not to like he is talented and attractive...and tall."

Yachi looked at her boyfriend. He can't be serious.

She couldn't help herself and bursted out in laughter. Hinata gave her a mixture of a hurt and confused look.

"Hinata....John has girlfriend."

"He has a what now?"

"Mygod. He has a girlfriend, Hinata. Her name is Yoko, she's Japanese. That's how we can talk so easily, he speaks a little Japanese. I speak a little English and anything that's lost in translation Yoko helps."

He was silent for a second.

"Are you serious?"

"Hinata, are you serious."

Hinata looked down at Yachi's hands before bursting out in laughter himself. How could he be so stupid? Did he seriously think his girlfriend could love someone else?

"Oh wow...I'm sorry Yachi."

Yachi giggled.

"Its ok Hinata, I forgive you, ya goof."

Yachi moved in to kiss her boyfriend in a small, passionate kiss. They stayed in all day giving each other kisses and cuddling. It was a day Hinata would never forget.


Ok so I know this is long over due gimme a break ok. But thank you for requesting hope this is good enough 💕💕💕 yaegerbomb

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