Live To Tell

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Chapter 1.

“Stella! Get in here!” I heard J.D. my employer/cousin yell barely opening the door to the yell.

“I’m coming, I’m coming!” I exclaimed rolling my eyes and wiping my hands off on my rag from the grease that had covered them. Standing up and brushing passed the tool boxes and machinery of the mechanics shop I worked in I headed into the office to see exactly what I was being called for. I pulled off my stained and rather torn up ball cap letting my wavy brown hair fall to my shoulders to get some freedom. 
“What’s wrong?” I asked stepping into the air conditioned room with a cluttered desk directly in front of me and a small waiting room just through the second door on the other side of J.D.’s chair. My cousin was a great guy when he wanted to be, but for the most part he was a ruthless money grabber. I didn’t have a choice though, a job is a job after all and who says you are supposed to enjoy work? His slicked back graying hair and wife beat clad with a gold chain and unbuttoned shirt reminded me of a sleazy car salesman but of course, I always remember the fact he is my family and my boss. My eyes adjusted to the slight light difference between working in the open car shop and being in this poorly lit office while I waited for him to answer. 
“It’s for you.” J.D. answered smoothing his pencil thin mustache with the same fingers that held his musty cigarette before motioning towards the phone. My eyes quickly glanced to the receiver sitting on the desk before picking it up knowing that even if I wanted my conversation to be private he wouldn’t move from his chair.

“Hello?” I asked curiously placing the phone to my ear. It was most certainly not every day that I received a call from the work phone let alone my cell phone. 
“Oh hi there Stella.” I heard a familiar elderly female voice speak up from the other line. My face lit up directly. 
“Oh hey Grandma Rebecca.” I smiled running my dirty hand through my hair not really caring seeing I’d need a shower later anyway. No wonder why J.D. allowed me to take the call. After all, it was his grandmother too.

“What can I do for you?” I added placing my free hand on my hip waiting for my orders. No matter what anyone said I was the only one left in my family who looked after what my grandmother needed. No one else really cared about her. Anything she needed whether it was something as simple as a light bulb changed or complex as repairing her air conditioner I was there to help. I owed it to her. After all, when my parents died seven years passed she was the one to help me and my little sister Daisy survive. She was the tether that held me to reality and without her who knows where Daisy and I would be.

“I hate to bother you at work dear but I seem to have forgotten where I put my checkbook. My bills are due and I wanted to send them out today.” My Grandmother’s sweet voice rang through the phone and I couldn’t help but smile. She was always so careful with everything. Time takes control of everyone though and being 86 she was fairly up there, making it natural for her to not remember certain details. 
“I thought I told you that I would take care of those bills for you when I got home. You only just got them yesterday.” I shook my head feeling the breeze from the mini fan sitting on J.D.’s desk hit my face.

“Well I didn’t want you to worry about them. I’m still more than capable of paying my own dues.”

Grandma Rebecca replied with that unmistakable sweet tone of hers. I sighed.

“Alright you win. It’s in the drawer beside the fridge in the kitchen. I’ll be by later after I pick Daisy up from school. Are you doing ok?” I asked just to make sure. You never knew with her. She was so independent.

“Thank you Stella, I’m fine so don’t worry about me. Although I had best let you go before J.D. gets mad at you. Love you sweetheart. I’ll see you later.” Grandma said and with our last goodbyes we both hung up.

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