Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I woke up the next morning despite the urge not to and took Daisy to her school before I traveled to mine. I had heard his voice again. Only this time he asked for me to ‘come home’. It was getting weirder by the day. I didn’t know what to do about it. I could go see a psychiatrist but they’d tell me I was going crazy and with my luck take Daisy from me. Fat chance I would let that happen. I sighed and grabbed my book bag before heading into my class. Today we were working on blood typing, which on a normal basis I would find extremely fascinating but my mind was stuck on that voice. It was beautiful. I had no other word to describe it. I couldn’t think of a reason I had heard it. I would certainly have remembered if I had met someone with that voice. I hadn’t so what could be the reason? My mom used to tell me I looked too far into things. I didn’t know. Maybe I was just getting too drawn out. Or maybe I really was losing it.

“Stella. I would appreciate it if you paid attention.” My teacher Mr. Phillips said calling me out in front of the entire class. And just like I would if I was in high school again I blushed. 
“Sorry, didn’t sleep so well.” I shrugged leaning forward making myself uncomfortable so I could stay focused. 
“Well you can go first then.” Mr. Phillips motioned for me to come up to his desk where he held the blood typing kit. All eyes were on me as I sauntered up and pricked my finger without making a face. I had done a lot more damage to my hands working in the shop so that was nothing. Mr. Phillips took my blood sample and slipped it into the small machine waiting for my results. His face turned from ‘I really don’t want to be here’ to ‘what the?’ when he looked back down at my results. 
“I’m not too bad am I?” I asked a little cautiously seeing his expression and shifted uneasily. 
“Stella did you know you have the rarest blood type in the world?” Mr. Phillips raised an eyebrow at me showing me the screen. AB Negative. I just stared at it for a minute. 
“What does that mean?” I crossed my arms not really caring. Mr. Phillips just stared at the screen as if it would change any minute while the others in the class just mumbled to one another.

“It means that if you need a blood transfusion you either have O Negative or you’re screwed.” Ryan Jennings piped up with a grin. He had to be one of the most annoying people in the world. I just looked at him from over my shoulder with a sarcastic laugh.

“Well thank you Stella, you can sit back down. Ryan, you’re next.” Mr. Phillips said putting my test aside shooing me away. I returned to my seat and sat back down ignoring the looks I got. What was the deal? So I had rare blood, it wasn’t like I was a superhero or anything. It’s just blood. I barely paid any attention through the rest of the class seeing they were only testing blood. Apparently everyone else was A Negative or B Positive so I would have to be the odd man out. Not much has changed since High School I’ll tell you that much. When the bell finally rang I pulled my books together and put them back in my bag standing up to leave when Mr. Phillips called me over again when everyone left.

“What’s up?” I asked brushing a piece of hair out of my face.

“Did you know that AB Negative blood is so rare that only 1 person out of 167 have it? That’s .6 of the surplus population.” Mr. Phillips gave me a look that said ‘be impressed’, which I was… slightly. 
“Really? That’s cool. As long as I don’t need any transfusions.” I smiled jokingly but his face remained serious. 
“Right.” I muttered scuffing my shoe against the tiled floor. “So what does that mean? Nothing changes right? It’s just blood.” I asked getting serious and shifting my weight from one foot to the other.

“Nothing changes.” Mr. Phillips started glancing at the book in his hand before walking back around to sit in his chair. A smile played across his mouth for a minute before looking back up at me. “But you would be a rather fine treat for a vampire.” He smiled turning back to his book. “Good day Stella.” He finished in a round about way telling me to leave.

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