Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I couldn’t imagine what was going to be awaiting me in Tyler. For someone who doubted that albino cockroaches existed I was pretty far deep in the ocean of supernatural insanity. Sam and Dean explained to me what was going down and thankfully by the end of it I was calm. Poltergeist didn’t seem to want to hurt anyone, for the most part at least. So I sat back and prayed that things would work out smoothly, which they rarely did for me.

“This is it.” Dean announced pulling into the driveway of a normal looking house. I stepped out of the Impala and glanced around for a moment.

“I’ll gladly follow your lead.” I sighed not sure if I really meant what I was saying or not. Dean smirked shaking his head before going to the trunk and handing an old book to Sam.

“You know the drill. In and out.” Dean said grabbing a few bags of random looking herbs and other things I really couldn’t recognize. Other than the salt and candles of course.

“That’s going to be used to draw the spirit out and protect the house right?” I asked hoping to pick up what I could.

“Pegged it.” Sam nodded at me while Dean shut the trunk and turned to head inside. 

“Just like any other day.”  He said before knocking on the door briskly. I stood in between him and Sam unsure what else to do. I was a good learner. But most of all I learned through experience.

 Not one minute after Dean knocked on the door did a woman in approximately her mid seventies open the door. The look on her face was both weariness and sadness. As soon as she saw Dean and Sam her eyes brightened.

“I’m so glad you’re here!” She cried out with joy. Apparently she knew them or she wouldn’t be so happy. I stood back a little to give them room and certainly not wanting to get in the way.

“Good to see you too Mrs. Chaznov.” Sam replied with a small smile gracing his practically flawless lips.

“Oh please, do come in.” Mrs. Chaznov encouraged us in a mood completely different than when she had answered the door.  Sam was the first to step in before Dean turned to me and motioned for me to go next.

“Ladies first.” He said with a wink in my direction. I couldn’t help but smile. I was a tough nut to crack but I had to admit that Dean Winchester was one of the best-looking guys in my acquaintance… if not the best.

 I stepped into the house and looked around for a moment to assess the situation. I paused in front of a broken mirror and studied the shattered glass for a moment. It must have been the poltergeist’s work because not even my craziest relative kept broken mirrors around.

“So are you the newest member of Team Winchester?” Mrs. Chaznov interrupted my thoughts making me jump. I turned to her forcing myself to smile while pushing the ideas of horrible ghosts and spirits out of my mind.

“Uh, something like that. Dean and Sam are teaching me some stuff about hunting. It’s a long story.” I breathed out putting my hands into my leather jacket’s pockets. Mrs. Chaznov gave me a weak smile and led the way into the living room.

“I’ve seen most of the activity in here boys. I think it’s…” Mrs. Chaznov stopped for a moment and put her hand to her face as if to help hold back tears. My heart fell for her even though I had no clue what she was sad about. Her free hand fell to a picture on the coffee table of whom I assumed to be her son. He appeared to be a well built guy and the look on his face was as stoic as Dean’s. He must have been a hunter as well.

“You think it’s Tom.” Dean answered blankly but his eyes read that he was sad. Mrs. Chaznov nodded unable to hold back her tears any longer.

“I always knew that life would get him. He didn’t listen to me.” She cried holding her face in her hands. I immediately went to her side and tried my best to comfort her.

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