Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

My heart was pounding as I closed my eyes anticipating the end. The barrel of the gun was digging into my skin painfully. A minute passed and I opened my eyes to find Sam with his own gun drawn and pointed at the person behind me. The look in his eyes was terrifying to even me who knew him.

"I'm Sam Winchester-"

"Winchester? As in the hunters?" Interrupted the now definable woman’s voice. He nodded slowly, watching her warily. I couldn’t do anything but slowly breath, knowing any second could be my last. She sighed, and without warning lowered her gun and placed it in the waistband of her jeans before walking over to him and grabbing her journal. I let out a sigh of relief but turned to her with a burning hatred. No one sneaks up on me like that.

"I thought you were FBI," She explained with a small nonchalant shrug. "You really shouldn't just break into some one's room. You could get shot." She finished, shooting me a quick seemingly ‘apologetic’ glance.

"We were worried you were FBI." I returned still slightly shaken.

"Why are you here?" The woman asked getting straight to the point.

“We were checking up on the vampire in town,” Sam answered. I sighed, brushing a hand through my hair trying to calm my nerves. I studied the new girl for a moment. She was slim but toned, her hair was brown and bobbed to mid neck. Her eyes were a piercing blue and she was dressed head to toe in black. Definitely a hunter.

“Find a different monster to kill, that vampire is mine.” She retorted bitterly and crossed her arms defensively.

“We can help you.” I spoke quickly. Sure she nearly just tried to kill me but I tried to be as forgiving as possible. Especially seeing she was a hunter as well.

“Who are you? A Winchester groupie?” She turned to me with a raised a brow. Her face was calm but I could tell by her stance that she was impatient and anxious. 

“They wish. We are working together at the moment. They’re tea-” Sam cut me off quickly,

“Traveling in the same direction.” Sam finished earning a glare from us both.

“I don’t have time for this,” The mysterious woman said, grabbing her duffel bag and packing it up with all the stuff needed to butcher a vampire, which sat on the nightstand.

“We can help you...sorry must have missed your name,” Sam said holding out his hand as if it would make her stop. I sighed looking up at him, those puppy dog eyes could get anyone.

“Felicity, Felicity Hudson,” She answered blandly,” and no I don’t need your help, too many people have died and I’m not letting him kill another.”

“I’m a Winchester and you obviously know who I am, do you really think I can’t help?” Sam asked stepping closer to her. The anger in his eyes turned to compassion.

“It’s not a matter of not being able to help,” She said, before getting interrupted by him.

“Then what is it?” He raised an eyebrow confronting her with the same amount of intensity she had. I was content to just sit back and watch.

She growled, slamming down her journal, “That thing killed the last family I had left, and there is no way I’m letting him get away with it.”

“Isn’t revenge a bad way to go during hunting?” I piped up even though what I said was exactly what I was doing.

She sighed dramatically, grabbing her two bags, the journal and her car keys before walking out of the room passed us. Turning right before she was out the door she glared at us.

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