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Laurent's POV

After my little toast, the whole place erupted in a series of cheers and I felt so grateful for having such amazing friends and fans. Even the people at the ground floor that were watching it all broadcast on a TV were also cheering loud but of all reactions, the most important and heart moving was Larry's. His tears were spilling uncontrollably and he was choking trying to contain his sobs, so I pulled him into a hug and rubbed circles on his back.

"Shhh, it's okay, Larry," I whispered to him. "Don't cry."

"I-I can no h-help it, Laurent," He sobbed into my shoulder. "You so g-good to me."

"Of course, Larry, you're my other half. I'll always be good to you."

"But it too much. I no deserve all this," He said and it broke my heart.

Why would this wonderful being think so lowly of himself? If anything Larry deserved all this and even more.

"If I could give you the world, Larry, I would," I said and he only cried more.

He wasn't stopping, so I pulled him towards the couch and as we both sat down, he resumed hiding his face in my shoulder crying. I wrapped my arm around his neck.

"How's he doing, man?" Regi asked as soon as the music resumed playing.

"He's just a bit emotional." I said looking down at Larry, his sobs had subsided.

"Here, Larry." Roy sat beside me and handed Larry a glass with drink in it. "It's Vodka. It should put you in a better mood. Your night is just beginning, man." Larry wipes his face and looks at me.

I nod at him to drink it and he does in one gulp. Larry scrunched his face and wriggled his head at the sour and harsh taste of the drink.

"Yes!!!" Roy and Regi cheered him on.

"More!" Regi yelled as they poured more drink into the glass and Larry took it all in.

I was going to ask him a relevant question, 'if he usually drinks', but I decided against it. Larry knew what he wanted.

Larry's POV

Just like what Roy say, the night was just starting. After I downed three shots of vodka, I start to feel a bit confident and free.

Lots of people come to introduce themselves to me and I feel a lot welcomed and loved by my twin's friends.

After some time, the light in the room dim a bit to dark blue, a slow song come on and everyone start to dance really erotic. I feel myself enjoy the show until someone tap me.

"Yo, Larry," It was Roy.


"This is Kara. She's one of the best dancers here at the club, if you know what I mean," It take a little time for me to know he mean she a stripper.

"Oh, hello, Kara," I say and the girl come to sit on my lap, straddling me, shocking me the more.

"Hey, Larry, welcome," She say and kiss me full on the lips.

My eyes wide in shock as I pull away and I hear Roy laugh from beside me.

"C'mon, Larry, I only let you have her cos it's your day, man. I would have taken her for me though," He said.

"Maybe he needs more of that vodka," Regi say as he look up from the girl that was grinding on him.

"Here," Roy say and shove a bottle of vodka in my hand. "Drink it. You'll loosen up."

I no want to look weak in front of this guys so I just shut my eyes and take a long swing at the drink. I look up from the drink and see Laurent staring at me. A girl was grinding on him, his hands are on her hips but he just have his eyes on me.

Kara turn my face to herself and stare at me like I something to eat. After I drink more and Kara was grinding on me, I just let everything go.

Laurent's POV

I didn't know why, I had felt stupid to myself for thinking it and I had wished not to know why I was acting like that but I totally hated it when Kara was grinding on Larry and giving him annoying, sloppy kisses.

I made myself believe it was because he was my twin brother and I had just got him back so I had no other choice but to feel so overprotective of him, even against someone as harmless as Kara. She might not be totally harmless, I mean she was a stripper that would do anything to get her money but still you get my drift.

At first when she had kissed Larry, he hadn't seemed to like it because he had quickly pulled away and wiped his mouth with his hand as he stared at Roy. But after he had taken the Vodka, he seemed to be all handsy on her and was enjoying all she was doing: sucking his lips, rubbing his stomach, grinding on him, at one point I'm sure I had seen her bite his ear. I felt the urge to pull her away by the hair that moment and throw her out but Larry was a grown ass man and knew what he liked and didn't like.

So, in other to kill the stupid 'overprotectiveness' I was feeling, I pushed the girl from ontop me, I wasn't feeling anything with her anyways and I headed out of the room.

"Laurent, where are-" I heard Larry say but as I turned to him, Kara had her lips on his.

I walked out of the room and went down. I know, there were lots of fans there but I just needed to get outside and clear my head but as I was passing the dance floor, the dj spotted me and I think he got the wrong idea because what he said next had totally not been on my schedule for the night.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have our very own Laurent Bourgeois on the dance floor. After the amazing news he gave us tonight, I'm sure he's ready to give us a little freestyle," I quickly whipped my head around to tell him no but the crowd were already making space around me in the middle of the floor and were cheering.

I had no option. So, I smiled at the crowd as I started circling the floor and began to connect myself with the beat of the music.

Author's POV

When the dj had announced Laurent's presence on the dance floor and that he would be dancing, Larry heard this and slowly slid out from under Kara whispering, "Sorry, excuse me."

He'd never watched Laurent dance live before and as he stood at the balcony watching the show below he felt all his past feelings come back. The way Laurent moved, grinded, the way he slid from left to right, all the little moves he made had Larry's heart beating really fast. He had never seen anyone dance so beautifully, dance like it were their food, like they lived and would die for it. Laurent wasn't just the dance, the dance was him.

During the course of Laurent's dancing, Larry didn't even wink an eye. He watched every body and facial movement Laurent made. Even at one point their eyes connected, Laurent sent him a wink and a smile.

Larry clutched his chest and beat his heart with his fist three times. "Non, non, non, please no start."

"You okay, man?" Roy threw his arm over his shoulder.

"I good," Larry smiled at him before turning back to Laurent who was already finishing.

The crowd cheered so loud and Larry, who had considered himself Laurent's biggest fan, felt his tongue glued to the roof of his mouth. He felt speechless to even scream.

Then Laurent did something that made Larry's heart do a flip and made him realise his fucking old feelings were racing right back.

Laurent turned to him and pointed, "That was for you, Larry!"

A/N: A penny for your thoughts??? Tell me what you think and don't forget to vote!!

See ya!!!

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