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"I'm really loosing my mind, Roy," Laurent groaned, he ran his hand through his afro as he held his phone to his ear with the other hand.

"Relax, b," Roy said.

"I can't!" Laurent yelled, then brought down his voice. "I can't. I think about him 24/7, I tried hanging out with other girls but it's even making it worse. I've been hanging out with this girl, Gina, we even had a heated make out session and all I thought of was him. Dude, I wacked off in the shower just because I saw him, wet and shirtless. This isn't a joke anymore. I'm fricking out of my mind!"

Roy chuckled, making Laurent frown. "You're not, b. Look, it's obvious enough, you're in love with him. You shouldn't fight-"

"Wait, what'd you just say?" Laurent furrowed his brows. How was that even possible?

"Stop this, Laurent. You know I'm right. You're in love with Larry."

Laurent shook his head, "I can't be."

"Why are you even denying it? You blow up my phone everyday talking about Larry. Laurent, you fricking called me a week or two ago and was literally crying when you got into a quarrel with him and he told you to get out, we had spent four hours on the phone talking about Larry. I haven't even spent half of that on the phone with any of my girls all through my life, man. You're constantly scared of hurting him, so he won't hate you. You always go out of your way just to impress him. What more do you have to do to convince yourself you love him?"

"Roy, I can't be in love with Larry."

"You got a rental car of twenty thousand dollars, just to impress him. What the hell would you call that?"

"I don't love him," Laurent gritted his teeth.

"I swear, if I were there I would have smacked you on the head real hard. Why won't you just admit it?"

"It's not true, Roy! Larry is my brother. He's my twin. How fucking right does it sound that I'm in love with my twin brother?!" Laurent groaned. He kicked against the wall and almost screamed. He felt so frustrated.

"Then what'd you fucking call it?!" Roy yelled. "A crush? A fucking phase? Who the hell do you think you're deceiving? Definitely not me. Not Larry either because tomorrow, Larry would find someone who isn't a coward to spill out his or her feelings to him and they'd be fucking right under your nose! Do you know what you'll be doing? You'll be with me, oh I will be there, crying on my shoulder and thinking back to this day that you had a chance of making things work! God damnit!"

Laurent blinked at Roy's outburst. Roy had always acted like a big brother to him even if they were the same age. Whenever he wanted to put Laurent straight, he didn't mind yelling at him or even cussing him. "Roy-"

"No, Laurent," Roy's voice was calm now. "Tell Larry. You can handle whatever his reaction is. If his feeling is mutual, then hurray. And if it's not, then we're gonna try to move on because I'm gonna make sure of that but please, Laurent, tell Larry how you feel. I don't want you to have any regrets. You're a celebrity, you know how to suck up criticisms even when it's from Larry."

Laurent sighed, he was done denying his feelings. Roy was right. He was in love with Larry. "I don't think I'll be able to suck it up if things go wrong with Larry, Roy." He shook his head, pinching his noe bridge.

"Why don't you tell him first? And by the ways, if Larry goes way past his limit in rejecting you, I promise to knock the lights out of him. He's a really chill guy and I like him but I'll kill him."

Laurent chuckled, "You know, you're the best bestfriend a guy could ask for."

"I know right," Roy laughed. "Just tell him, a'ight?"

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