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Author's POV

Laurent and Larry's plane arrived at the Exuma International Airport and after they had gone through the necessary procedures and were outside the Airport with their luggages, they flagged down a taxi and headed for a month of bliss at The Exuma Beach Resort.

After a couple of minutes, since the resort was not far from the airport, in the Taxi and they were approaching the Resort, they both couldn't keep the smiles off their faces as they looked through both sides of the window, savouring and appreciating the sweetness of nature.

Larry was the happiest of the two. As they rode to their destination, his heart making funny twist, all he could think of was the amazing time he'd spend alone with Laurent in a place where he was not known. He felt like they were a couple off on their honeymoon in a quiet, natural place. A place where they would take long walks on the beach, hold hands, lay on the sand all night long staring at the stars and making out images from them. They were all couple-y stuff but he was sure it wouldn't be so weird if he did them with Laurent.

Laurent on the other hand was also happy. He was finally getting away from work, touring and the media. He was finally getting an alone time where he could relax, think and rediscover himself. Though, the main thing on his agenda was to bond with Larry in an undisturbed, exotic and incredible place. He wanted a time to also discover who Larry really was and to get to know his personality just like he-

Did Larry just giggle? Laurent turned his head to look at Larry who had a hand on his mouth, and a smile stretching his eyes.

Laurent chuckled, "Did you just giggle?"

Larry seemed to snap out of his fantasy as he whipped his head to look at Laurent. "Mmh?"

"You just giggled," Laurent smiled. "Like a girl."

"What? No," Larry denied, frowning. "I no giggle."

"Yes, you did," Laurent knew he should probably just let it go but he loved this side of Larry that would deny the truth, shyly. It was such an adorable thing to witness and Laurent loved adorable. "I heard you so clearly."

"Stop it, Laurent! I no giglgle. I a man and a man can no giggle," Larry folded his hand over his chest and pouted. This, as always, caught Laurent's eyes. He laughed out.

"Oh, really? But a man actually does this," He said and immitated Larry's posture.

"Laurent, I mean it. No do that, it-"

"Why? It's cute," Laurent throws his head back, laughing at how extremely cute Laurent was acting. If he had had Larry around while growing up to make him laugh so much, he'd sure as hell look younger than he did. He would have teased the hell out of him.

"Whatever, I no want to hear it,"Larry said. "You should be packing your computers," He said referring to Laurent's iPhone, iPad and Laptop. "I able to see the resort now." And he wasn't lying.

Laurent looked straight ahead, the resort coming in view and a smile growing on his face.

"Finally," Laurent smiled to himself.

Soon they we're pulling into the hotel, and not long after that they were dragging their stuff into the lobby. They approached the front desk and were met by a really beautiful brown skinned lady with short, jet black hair, smiling at them.
(Character played by Meagan Good)

"Hey," Laurent said.

"Hello, welcome to Exuma Beach Resort," The lady said, smiling. "Are you here to check in?"

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