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Chapter thirty-two

Roy shook his head, watching his friend on the couch a drink in his right hand and a cigarette in between his left fingers.

"What did you say happened again?" Roy asked walking over, slapping Laurent's leg from the couch and assuming the seat next to him.

Laurent's scowl didn't falter. He shifted on his couch, leaning into the chair.

"It doesn't matter."

"No, it does matter, my guy. Just look at you."

"Look at me what?" Laurent gave him a sharp hard look.

"Don't give me that look, it really doesn't bug me. And I mean," Roy shook his head, briefly licking across his lips, "You went on a honeymoon with your twin for months and return looking like Rose after Jack died. It's been 4 days since you got back from France -without Larry- and you haven't said shit about what went down back there. All you've done is sit, smoke, drink and stare off like a hypnotized person. Seriously, man, you're acting all lovesick and shit. Did you two have some kind of fight? That's the only possible explanation as to why you're being like this."

"Roy, Roy, please stop okay? I don't wanna talk about-" Laurent paused, a sigh escaping his mouth. He shook his head and brought the cigarette in between his lips.

Roy watched in horror as Laurent sucked on the cigarette like his life depended on it.

"By the ways, when did this even start? This smoking."

"Since my mother started to see me as a demon corrupting her innocent son, Roy."

Roy needed a moment to process what Laurent had said. And when he did he spoke. "What?"

Laurent shook his head and abruptly got to his feet.

"Laurent, talk to me."

Laurent paced about the room, occasionally taking a swig of his drink and looking at Roy.

"Laurent, I'm your best friend and-"

"Oh God, don't pull that best friend stuff on me because even my own family turned their backs on me, okay?"

"Is this about Larry?"

"Of course it's about Larry. It's always about Larry. Ever since Larry came back into my life, it's been haywire and I'm tired. I'm so tired of the whole drama. I just want to go back to before he came to live with me." He sniffed, wiping his face with the sleeve of his shirt.

"I'm sorry, man. But what happened?"

"I knew they wouldn't be happy about Larry and I, that they would protest against it. I knew we'd have to fight for it, to prove to them we loved each other. What I didn't know was how painful it would be. I didn't know my family would hate me so much. Roy, my mother wishes I weren't born because I'm a sinner. She hates me because I love Larry. She feels I turned Larry gay and made him fall for me." Laurent gave a bitter smile, through his tears. "If only I had such power she assumes I have."

Roy was silent. He didn't know what to say to comfort Laurent who jad a stubborn scowl on his face.

"I left Larry in France. I told him to forget me," He shrugged, the hot drink burning his mouth all the way to his throat, his chest and then his stomach.

His heart hurt too. He wouldn't say it. Admitting it was like giving it power. He had to deny it.

"I told him he was dead to me."

Roy gaped at Laurent in disbelief. "You didn't..."

"Felt it was better for the both of us."

"Better?" Roy questioned, his mouth half-hanging. "I'm sorry! Better how? Please, explain to me how it is better."

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