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Larry's POV

I no want to wake up right now, I swear. I want to sleep for extra one hundred hours but the noise I hear from outside my door just no let me concentrate and enjoy my sleep.

I throw the cover from my body and get down. I almost fall because I feel so light headed but I hold on to my dresser. I start to take baby steps to go out.

I walk really slowly and the noise lead me to the Kitchen. I stand by the door and the sight I see almost stop my heart in admiration.

Standing with his back to me was Laurent, shirtless, making breakfast. Every muscle in his back flexing with every move he make. His shoulder, really broad and big, nothing like my thin, bony figure. His slim back stretching to meet the band of the sweatpants on his waist. I feel the urge to hold his slim waist in my hands and kiss his long, beautiful neck. To trace the middle of his back, to kiss every inch of it, to bury me self in the scent of his body and to-

Stop it, Larry, I caution myself as I look away.

I thought the feelings have gone a long time ago, I was sure I no going to feel like this again that why I accept to come down here but why this? Why my heart beating so fast at the sight of his shirtless body? Why I feel the need to press my body against his back and help him with breakfast like couples would do? Why I want to take his hand in my own and trail it to my-

"Larry?" I turn to see Laurent looking at me.

I try to stop myself from looking at his chest and abs but trust me, if you standing in my shoes, you going to be licking him right this-

I hit my head hard at the stupid things filling my head.

He you brother, Larry! You twin! I close my eyes shut to stop the things in my head.

"Larry, what is it?" Laurent walk to where I am and take my face in his hands.

I stare at his face, his brown eyes staring at me with care and his lips, his sexy, soft lips. I so sure they going to be so soft and delicious if I take them in my own.

"Larry!" Laurent shake me hard and I realise myself.

"Yes?" I answer, trying to focus on his eyes.

"What is it? Why were you acting like you saw a ghost?" He say.

"You have any ghost here?" I ask, trying to play if off.

"Well, no, I don't but-"

"Then no, I no see any ghost. I just so hungry that I faint while standing up," I tap his cheek twice. The feeling of them, so soft. "Thank you for resuscitating me." I smile.

Laurent just stare at me like I going mad. I walk into the kitchen and look at what he cooking.

"You're sure you're okay?"

"Yes, mum. I okii," I say as Laurent laugh.

I look in the pan. Scrambled eggs, again?

"This what we going to eat this morning?" I gulp.

"Yes, since you enjoyed the one I made yesterday I'm making it again today for you," He smile and start to stir the food.

I start to think how I going to tell him the truth about the food of yesterday without hurting his feelings.

"Uh, Laurent?"

"Uh-huh?" He answer.

"Can I do the cooking?" I ask and he turn to look at me.

"Why? I'm going to do it, just go to your room and I'll be there with your breakfast in a sec," He say as he start to push me out.

I have to do this.

I immediately turn us around and start to push Laurent out. "Why you no go to you room and I serve you breakfast in bed?"

"But I have to make you feel so happy. I don't want you to work hard," He say and it really get to my heart.

"I know, Laurent, but since I go to Culinary institution, I going to be cooking from now. I been cooking for other people all my life, I want to start cooking for my twin," I say but Laurent stop suddenly.

He turn around to look at me, "That's so sweet, Larry," Then he pull me into a hug.

I try to calm my racing heart. But I no feel like this yesterday when we meet, why now?

We pull away and I smile at him. "I'm going to leave the cooking to Chef Larry now," Laurent say and pinch my cheek before he start to walk out.

Then I remember something. "Laurent?"

"Yeah?" He answer and turn around.

"Thank you. For yesterday."

He smile so sincerely at me. "You're welcome."

I nod and he turn to start going.

I stand there and stare at him retreating, if he keep acting so sweet and adorable to me, how the feelings going to go away?

Laurent's POV

Today I had workshop at the studio and while Larry was making breakfast I decided nake a few calls and put some stuff in order. First, I called my manager to verify the workshop taking place, then I called a staff at the studio to remind them of my activity that day, lastly I called Roy who kept telling me to bring Larry along.

Of course I would bring him, no one had to tell me. I wanted to take him so he I could see him dance. I had a good notion he was good but I had to be sure because deep down I wanted Larry to start dancing with me.

After calling everyone I needed to I had to do one other important thing that I hadn't done. I went on my social media account. First, I went on twitter and notifications kept coming in. There were lots of amazing reactions from the fans about Larry and I felt so grateful towards them. So, I took my time to post a brief message to two million of them. (A/N: I know the actual number of followers he has so save the talk. I can make them 50 million if I want, it's my fanfic! Ha!)

Laurentbourgeois: Having my twin by my side after many years and I can't think of a time I've been happier. It's gonna be an exciting ride w Larry, I promise.

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