eleven // nail polish

175 15 3

Troye's POV

"Are you sure this will look good?" I asked, looking at the cotton candy blue nail polish and strange smelling nail polish remover next to my hands that we're out in front of me. Sage sighed, grabbing my hand and bringing it to rest in front of her, dipping the small brush into the pretty color before answering.

"This will look great." She said confidently as she brought the color I had picked out at the store down to my nail.


"Mr. Mellet!"

I jumped, lifting my head from where it had fallen back and closing my open mouth, meeting my teachers mad and annoyed eyes. Oops.

People around me giggled quietly, looking between my teacher and I as I stared at him sheepishly. "Yes?"

This, for whatever reason, caused people to laugh again. "Pay attention," he said sternly. I nodded, sitting up straight, not before making eye contact with the person sitting in front of me, his green eyes causing me to jump back a little with surprise.

"Can I help you?" I chuckled nervously, feeling uncomfortable by the way he was looking at me. He didn't answer, letting his eyes linger on me for a second longer before he faced the whiteboard again.

Um, okay.

The entire day, all I could think about was Tyler. I wanted to see him again. But time just seemed to slow down more and more as the day dragged on, making my excitement dissolve slightly.

I bit my cotton candy blue nail anxiously as I sat in math class. The class I had before my class with Tyler.

For being totally obsessed with my nails, there was no denying how frantic with worry I was over Tyler seeing them. What if he thinks they're too girly? What if he hates them? Will he think I'm weird for loving them so much?

There was nothing I hated more than gender roles holding me back from painting my nails and wearing pink shirts and women's shoes. I was going to paint my nails a pretty color because I liked it. I was going to wear my women's shoes because they're comfortable and I'm going to wear pink sweaters because they're soft and inviting.

What does a gender have anything to do with what I wear? Why can't people just see that clothes are clothes and being a certain gender shouldn't hold you back from being yourself?

My thoughts were interrupted by a shrill bell ringing out. I took in a shaky breath, gathering my stuff slowly.

Even though I don't care what others say about me, I was starting to rethink painting my nails as possible scenarios played in my head about how Tyler might take this. It's not a big thing, but what he might like was always somehow in the back of my mind.

"Hi," Tyler chirped as I took my seat.

"Hey, Tilly," I smiled softly at him, purposely keeping my hands in my pockets as I looked at him.

"S-So uh, how did you sleep?" I asked randomly, my voice quivering with nerves. The sudden urge to show him my nails kept fighting with the reasons I shouldn't, making me even more confused as to which one I'm going to do as he stared at me with a confused expression.

"Good, I guess," he chuckled, his eyes burning into the side of my head as I looked at the worksheet I was supposed to be working on. "Is everything okay? You seem nervous."

I scoffed, smiling strangely. "Me? Nervous? What for?" I forced a laugh, meeting his unconvinced eyes.

"I don't know. Why do you seem so nervous?" His eyebrows raised as he spoke, resting his head in his hands as he looked at me expectantly.

I shrugged, knowing I probably looked strange with my hands still stuffed into my pockets like this. "I'm not. Just feeling a little out of it."

He seemed to think over my answer for a minute, his eyes looking down at the fists in my pockets before meeting my eyes again. "Take your hands out of your pockets, then."

"W-What- why?" I stuttered.

"If there's nothing wrong, than take your hands out of your pockets," Tyler shrugged like it was no big deal.

I sighed, slowly taking my hands and putting them on my lap. I looked up through my eyelashes when Tyler didn't say anything right away.

"See, there's nothing you should be worried about!" Tyler exclaimed, my mouth agape at his little-to-no reaction. "Besides, I think those are cute." He smiled, looking down at my nails.

I smiled then, looking down at my lap when a blush crept up my neck. He thought they were cute!

And just when I thought my smile couldn't get any bigger and my blush couldn't be any deeper, Tyler grabs my hand in his. I looked at him with big eyes, blinking when he smiled at me.

"What?" He chuckled, intertwining our fingers. I looked down at them, smiling once again as his thumb rubbed small circles into the back of my hand.

My chest filled with warmth as I leaned in and rested my head on Tyler's shoulder, humming contently as I basked in this moment with him. This was definitely worth waiting all day.


Heyy I hope you enjoyed this lil chapter. Idk I like it and I'm in a really good mood so yeah. I might write more tonight if I have time soooooooooooo

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