fourteen // getting personal

163 13 4

Troye's POV

I feel like I only write in Troye's POV. Wait, I kinda do. I'll start writing more in Tyler's POV but I feel like Troye is more like me being awkward and literally a child and all so yeah why am I still talking

"You know, I've never been on a date before," Tyler admits when we pull into a small pizza place on the other side of town. I turn to him, taken back by his outburst. He's never been on a date? How does someone that beautiful never go on a date?!

"Really?" I squeak, catching his shy eyes for a second. "I haven't either, I'm just surprised. I mean, look at you," I add quickly, blushing as he smiled at me.

"Let's go," he says, the smile obvious in his voice as we got out of the car.

"Don't mess this up, Troye." I sigh, walking closer to Tyler as an attempt to ignore Black. It doesn't work very well when 48 and 15 chime in, though.

"You've got this, don't worry. You'll be fine just relax." I listen to 15, sighing as I caught up with Tyler.

I jump when I feel a hand on my lower back, closing my eyes when I realize it's not Tyler. 48 claws my back with her sharp nails, chuckling darkly into my ear as I shivered. Tyler looks back at me when I stop walking, trying to shake out of her grasp as I shake my head dismissively to Tyler. He nods, waiting until I'm ready to open the door for me, all the while seeming to try not to watch me, which I was surprisingly grateful for seeing how it was already embarrassing enough.

"How can I help you?" A guy around our age asked, staring at our hands between us that had intertwined when we came in.

"Booth, please," I look at Tyler when his tone isn't the normal happy one I'm used to. His eyes were challenging, hand squeezing mine a little too tight as he stared at the guy.

I squeezed his hand as he led us to an empty table, getting nervous as his shoulders stayed stiff. Tyler looked over at me with an apologetic smile, and I didn't know if he was sorry about his attitude or the waiter, but I just smiled back reassuringly.

As soon as I sat down, Tyler was at my side, sitting closely as our waiter made a face of disgust before putting on a poker face, not doing a very good job at it.

"Okay," he sighed, seeming exhausted making me feel kind of sorry for him, "drinks?"

I opened my mouth, but Tyler beat me to it.

"I'm sorry, can we have another waiter, please?" Tyler asked. I looked at him with big eyes, surprised by how snappy he was getting.

"Gladly," the waiter said through gritted teeth, walking into what I assumed was the kitchen.

Tyler sighed in relief next to me. I scooted away from him slightly, still surprised by how rude he was being. So the guy was being a tad bit homophobic, but he also didn't say anything like he could've.

"Did I do something wrong?" Tyler asked when I moved away from him, leaving an inch or so of space between us.

"You didn't have to be so rude, Ty," I said, watching his eyebrows draw together before he sighed.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't want him treating you like that."

"Treating me like what? He didn't do anything wrong!" I said in frustration, happy when he didn't respond to that.

VOICES || TROYLER Where stories live. Discover now