twenty-three // heartbreak

151 11 14

-Three weeks later-

Troye's POV

"Can we just drop it, please?" Tyler groaned.

"Yeah," I mumbled under my breath, taking my phone out as Tyler turned his attention back to the tv.

Tyler and I keep arguing over the smallest things, and it's really starting to get on my nerves. Last week we started fighting about Nutella for fucks sake! I don't know what's gotten into him, but I can't stand it anymore. I mean, Tyler isn't exactly being... himself these past few weeks. There's something missing when I look into his eyes and I can't put my finger on it.

A few minutes passed while I played mindlessly on my phone, sighing loudly as a way to tell him I was over it. Tyler didn't even blink, his eyes still glued on the tv. I sighed again, staring at him as I grabbed a pillow off his couch. As a last resort to get his attention, I threw it and hit him right in the face. That seemed to get his attention.

"Knock it off," he said, throwing it back without looking over at me. I caught the pillow, pouting as I scooted towards him to lay down.

"I thought we dropped it," I said as I set my head in his lap, looking up at him.

Tyler didn't answer, looking down at me with a small sigh. I smiled as he started playing with my hair, his other hand laying limp on my stomach. I took it in mine, letting my eyes flutter shut.

"My mom wants to meet you."

My eyes shot open to stare up at him, catching his eye for a second before he was looking away. "What?" I asked in disbelief before sitting up to face him. "I-I thought you don't talk to her anymore," I said quietly.

"Yeah, I don't. It's... it's complicated," Tyler whispered while staring at his lap.

I stared at him, not knowing what to say. "What if she hates me?" I whispered. "W-What if she thinks I'm a freak, Ty? I don't think I can meet her. We're not even dating... right?"

Tyler looked at me with slightly hurt eyes, and I didn't know which part I said had hurt him. Probably all of it. "First of all, I don't care what she says about you," he started, voice stern but sincere. "Second, stop calling yourself that," Tyler says through gritted teeth. Well then. "And I don't know what we are, but you mean a lot to me and that's all that matters right now. We don't have to be official to have feelings for each other."

I nodded, looking into his slightly cold eyes as I audibly gulped. "I get that you want me to meet her and this is probably a big deal for you, but I don't think I can. Not yet at least."

"Why? I met you're family!" Tyler raised his voice ever so slightly.

"It's different! My family actually accepts me!" I said loudly, this whole fighting thing finally causing me to snap.

Tyler stared at me, his face blank except for glossy eyes. "How dare you," he sneered, sounding shocked at my outburst. "I can't believe you'd bring something like that up right now! Yes, they don't love me and yes, I don't have any family left but that gives you no right to talk like you know what I had to fucking go through!" Tyler yelled, tears falling down his face.

"Bring it up? How am I not supposed to talk about it when your mom wants to meet me?" I yelled. "How do you expect me to react, huh? How am I supposed to be excited to meet her when she can't even accept her own son!"

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