seven // bumper cars

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Troye's POV

"You're just hanging out as friends, what are you freaking out for?" I didn't listen to my sister, instead fixing my shirt and looking out the window for the tenth time in the last minute. "Do you like him?"

"I don't even know him, Sage," I sighed.

"So? Is he cute? Can I meet hi-"

"No. You're not talking to Tyler and ruining my first real friendship by saying something that'll just mess it up," I said sternly, standing up as a red car pulled into our driveway.

"Have a good time, sweetie," my mom said and kissed my cheek. I gave her a small smile before saying my goodbyes and walking out the door.

Tyler was leaning against his car, looking as stunning as ever. His jeans fit him snugly in all the right places, his hair done to perfection and sweater hugging him just right. I rushed over to him, smiling and blushing when he turned to look at me.

"Ready to go?" He asked with a big smile.

I nodded. "Ready to go."

My blush only deepened when he reached and opened my door for me, thanking him before slipping into his car.

"You know, I'm really staring to like this guy." Blue admitted. I smiled to myself as my stomach swooned affectionately.

"Me too," I mumbled admiringly as Tyler sat next to me, giving me a nervous, lopsided smile before starting up his car.

Music began playing through the speakers of his car. "You like Tove Lo too?" I asked excitedly.

"Of course!" He squealed, looking at me for a quick second before we started singing loudly to Talking Body, one of my favorites. We were off key and obnoxiously loud, but I still found myself smiling at the sight of Tyler singing. He was too cute for his own good.

"Here we are," he said as we pulled up to a crowded parking lot. I looked out the window curiously, forgetting what these looked like. I haven't been to a fair since I was little.

"Ooh, look!" I exclaimed, pointing to one of the games in the distance with stuffed animals as prizes. Tyler chuckled beside me, squeezing my hand in his once before unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out of the car. I watched him round the car quickly, smiling like a madman when he opened my door for me and stuck his hand out.

I took his hand in mine, butterflies thrashing in my stomach as I let him help me up. But even after I stood, I kept our hands together, squeezing his in mine as we walked across the street. "Hurry, Ty!" I said, dragging him along with me.

We approached a lady with a big wad of money, Tyler giving her the exact amount to let us in. She stamped our hands so we could leave if we wanted and not have to pay to get back in, her eyes drifting to our hands and a smile touching her lips as she let us through.

I steered us towards the bumper cars, intertwining our fingers and sneaking a look in Tyler's direction. Unfortunately, I was caught looking, seeing as he was already looking at me.

"What?" I chuckled.

"Nothing," he shook his head dismissively, a small smile touching his lips as he continued staring at me. I blushed, looking down at our laced fingers and feeling my stomach do strange things.

After getting our wristbands from a small booth and having to almost argue with Tyler to let me pay before giving the lady the money while he reached in his wallet, we settled ourselves in uncomfortably small bumper cars.

Tyler's was a rusty gray color while mine was blue, one I had to run to to beat this little kid who also wanted it. What? I like blue.

A buzzing went off, Tyler and I giving each other challenging glares. I stepped on the little gas pedal, bumping into Tyler's car as he giggled. I jumped when someone rammed into me from my right, leaving Tyler to laugh harder as the same kid who wanted the car I was in pinned my car against the side of a wall.

Soon after, the kid and Tyler we're teaming up and hitting my car. "Truce, truce!" I said loudly. The kid laughed, turning to ram his car into someone else's. Tyler bumped mine lightly, letting me back up until our cars were lined up.

A few minutes later we were heading towards a stand with brightly colored cotton candy.

"What do you want?" Tyler asked me.

"Uh, a blue cotton candy, please," I cooed as he rolled his eyes, ordering mine and his pink cotton candy. He handed me my stick, taking a big bite of his own.

I was about to take a bite when I looked over at him and laughed. He gave me a questioning look. I shook my head, still giggling slightly at the mess on his face.

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