twenty-four // no one

145 9 16

Tyler's POV

I grabbed my keys from where I had thrown them carelessly on the floor with a sigh. My head spun from the little sleep I've gotten, my eyes heavy with exhaustion as I walked out of the apartment building. This could either fix everything or ruin it completely, but I needed to take that risk.

I called Troye's phone, not surprised to hear his voicemail rather than him answering. He hasn't answered any of my calls, only once did he pick up. But as soon as I spoke, he hung up. It's been four days of complete silence from him.

School was something I couldn't care less about right now. I haven't gone these past few days because I couldn't bring myself to face Troye just yet. This time, I think I'm ready, though I'll never be able to look him in the eye again without seeing a look of fear still clouding his bright eyes I miss so fucking much. Because he's scared of me.

My throat tightened at the thought of him being too scared to be near me again, vision blurred with tears as I started my car and drove off quickly.

I took the longest way to his house I knew, giving myself enough time to think through what I was going to say and to give me a chance to chicken out if I wanted to. After stalling for almost ten minutes, I took a deep breath and turned onto a familiar road that forced me to clear my throat in order to keep the lump of emotion to rise.

There was only one car parked rather than two, telling me either Laurelle or Shaun were gone. One less person I could possibly have to face. God, this is not what I should focus on. I just need to talk to Troye.

I walked up the steps of their porch, my eyes watching the cement under my feet before lifting a suddenly heavy fist to knock lightly on the white door. I closed my eyes and whimpered quietly at the sound of the door unlocking. My eyes slowly opened after a small gasp fell from someone in front of me.

"Tyler? Why... what are you doing here?" Sage asked with big eyes, looking me up and down with a sad expression before turning angry. "Get out of here! If Troye sees you he's gonna be crushed!" She hissed quietly. I bit my lip when it began trembling, shaking my head slowly.

"I need to talk to him," I whispered brokenly, pleading her with my eyes. "Please, I need to
explain myself."

Sage bit her lip in thought, her eyebrows set in a line before she sighed and hung her head slightly. "Okay... but not for long. He's still hurting, and by the looks of it, so are you," she mumbled, glancing at my unbrushed hair and desperate eyes before telling me to wait there.

My hands began shaking, feeling my nerves heighten the longer I waited. What if this was all a mistake? What if coming over was just going to end up hurting us both worse than before?

"Why?" I looked up from my hands to see Troye standing at the doorway. My heart swooned painfully to see his eyes gray rather than their normal blue, his face paler than usual and heavy bags under his eyes.

"What?" I asked after a second of staring at him, my voice quivering as I spoke.

"Why are you here?" He asked with a strained voice.

I looked down at his feet, not being able to look him in the eyes when he looked so broken. This was so much harder than I had first thought.

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