twenty-two // meet the family

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Tyler's POV

"Oh my god, stop," I complained when I caught Troye staring at me for the millionth time in the last five minutes.

"It's not my fault I like your face!" Troye exclaimed before starting his work again, only to look over at me five seconds later.

I rolled my eyes when he went back to his work, trying not to smile. We actually tried focusing this time, finishing up our class work quickly so we could have the rest of the period to talk.

"Why are you acting so weird today?" I asked, eyeing his now black nails that were making loud popping noises while he cracked them. Troye looked up at me, biting his lip as I waited for him to respond.

"Okay, so, I need to ask you something?" He said, his tone causing it to come out as more of a question. "My mom wants to like, get to know you and she wants you to have dinner with us," Troye said quickly.

I didn't answer right away, my eyes slightly wide as I took in this information. "Um..." I started out sounding shy but continued more confidently. "I'd love to meet your family."

"Are you sure? I mean, you don't have to do this if you don't want," Troye said, his eyebrows furrowed as I shook my head.

"No I want to meet them. It'll be fun!"

Troye shook his head, saying under his breath "Oh yeah. It'll be awesome. For me, at least."


I took a deep breath, clutching the flowers in my hands tighter. Before I could really back out, I knocked three times. My heart beat was quickly becoming erratic at the sound of someone approaching.

The door opened to reveal Troye, a smile finding my face as Troye did the same. He had on black skinny jeans and a loose purple jumper... the same one he wore when the teacher sat us next to each other almost two months ago.

"Hi," Troye said, snapping me out of whatever little world I had slipped into.

"Hi," I cleared my throat, standing up a little straighter and extending my hand with the roses. "I got you these."

Troye blushed, thanking me as he took them from me. "My mom is gonna love you," he smiled, grabbing my hand and pulling me into his house.

When he finally stopped walking so fast, I ran into him from behind, looking up to see his (most likely) sister smiling at us. Troye turned around and smiled, looking over at his sister before grabbing my hand.

"Uh, this is Sage," he motioned to his sister. "And this is Tyler," Troye mumbled, blushing as I laughed quietly at how awkward he was being right now. "What?"

"You're just cute is all," I laughed with the intention of seeing his blush deepen, laughing a little too loudly when he did just that. He told me to shut up before taking me into another room.

"Mom? Tyler's here!" Troye yelled. He turned to me and rolled his eyes, but he wasn't looking at me. I turned to see what he was looking at, my smile faltering when I saw his father and what I assumed was his older brother.

"I'm Shaun," his dad said, sticking his hand out. I shook his hand, albeit feeling slightly uncomfortable under his older brothers gaze. "It's nice to finally meet you."

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