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Third persons POV

The boys eyes slowly peeled open. The eyes that are normally blue are now a deep crimson colour. He finds himself in a alley. Not only is he having no trouble seeing in the dark but his ears and nose seem 20 times better. He may be confused but His naive mind believes all is good. That is until a sharp hunger shoots into his stomach. The horrendous feeling of his stomach twisting and knotting together is all to much. He starts yelling out for help.

A young girl who seemed about 18, over heard the boys calls. She ran towards the alley, meeting the boy with the crimson eyes laying on the floor clutching his stomache.

"Oh my gosh are you okay? Here let me call an ambulance" her soft touch lead the boy to getting a strong craving. A craving for a rusty metallic taste. He felt this craving getting stronger and stronger by the second. He couldn't hold it back any longer.

Soon his canine teeth grew long a sharp piercing his tongue. The innocent girl was unaware of this, she just kept looking for her phone in her purse.

She dialled the number and pressed call.

Soon the boy had her pinned against the dark alleyway wall, a hand covering her mouth. He felt strong and hungry. His lips scanned her neck and he inhaled her scent.

"I'm so sorry" said the boy before piercing through her neck digging around for the right vein. His sharp teeth cutting her neck lead her to a muffled scream which soon died down with her loss of blood.

The boy dropped the lifeless body and dashed out the alley.

The last thing to be heard was the mans voice through the girls phone saying "hello what's your emergency?"

Soooo what do you guys think go the first chapter!!

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